Spent a couple of days working on this, what do you think? Here’s the original line work, in case anyone wants to see:
Pure Perfection.
Thank you!
How long did it take you to make this?
About two days of non-constant work
Woo! Revan for the win!!
Everybody Loves Revan
This is utterly perfect.
Professional level work.
Good job!
I can’t wait to see what you make next!
Heck yeah![quote=“TheMightyObsidianDude, post:7, topic:50283, full:true”]
Everybody Loves Revan
He’s like the cooler, less whiny Anakin Skywalker, what’s not to love?
Thank you, that’s high praise! [quote=“meepinater, post:8, topic:50283”]
I can’t wait to see what you make next!
Here’s a really rough concept preview, make of it what you will
I like it already!
That, and when he turns around he doesn’t die!
Also, am I the only one who thinks the knights of Ren are the knights of Revan in the future? They have very similar beliefs about the fore. At least from what I can tell.
Hey I’ve seen this on reddit. And I totally love it, Revan is such a cool Star Wars character and it’s always nice to see some love for KOTOR/SWTOR!
nihilus is better
It’s a neat drawing, I like it
Darth Sion is better!
The shading on the black and white image make it look much better, but both are very good.
[quote=“ProfSrlojohn, post:11, topic:50283”]
Also, am I the only one who thinks the knights of Ren are the knights of Revan in the future? They have very similar beliefs about the fore. At least from what I can tell.
[/quote] Interesting theory, but I feel like the last movie is a bit late in the game to introduce that type of thing. Who knows, though.
[quote=“Sokoda, post:12, topic:50283”]
Hey I’ve seen this on reddit.
[/quote] Gah, I’ve been discovered!
[quote=“Sokoda, post:12, topic:50283”]
And I totally love it, Revan is such a cool Star Wars character and it’s always nice to see some love for KOTOR/SWTOR!
[/quote] Thanks! Funnily enough, I’ve never played any of those, I just fell in love with the mini movie commercials and then subsequently a lot of the story stuff from that era.
@Holi Thanks![quote=“darkbrick999, post:15, topic:50283, full:true”]
The shading on the black and white image make it look much better, but both are very good.
[/quote] Interesting, I was actually rather embarrassed by the really scribbly linework and shading I did here. Thanks!
Well, think about it, they both teach a balanced approach to the force, and we have no knowledge of the future of one, and the past of the other.
I haven’t either. I’ve been meaning to but haven’t. I’ve just read the DK companion book.
[quote=“ProfSrlojohn, post:17, topic:50283”]
Well, think about it, they both teach a balanced approach to the force, and we have no knowledge of the future of one, and the past of the other.
[/quote] Wait, where did you learn that? Have the Knights been in a book or something? Because I thought all we’ve seen was concept art and flashback shots.
I saw in a DK book somewhere that Kylo was taught a balanced approach to the force by the Knights.
Very nice!