Roaming the Flatlands (BioCup2023 Round 1 entry by Nota)

Hello everyone!

Well dang… here we go again. it’s still biocupping time and all that

After doing pretty well in the preliminary round of this year’s Cup (I somehow scored higher than Djokson of all people, and scoring higher than someone whom you admire a lot is a win in my book), I was confidently waiting for the announcement of the Round 1 theme and subthemes…

Well, when the theme was revealed to be Biomes and I found out that I got the subtheme “Flatlands”, all that confidence of mine threw itself out the window. Of the highest floor. Of the tallest skyscraper in the world.

Yeah, I’m not very experienced with creating scenery out of Lego. Especially Bionicle. Especially when the scenery in question is flatlands of all things, literally the most boring choice I can imagine.

The main inspiration for this build were the many pictures of ominous robots in foggy flatland-ish environments that you’ve all probably seen on the internet a thousand times (thank you very much to Ghid for giving me that idea). The robot was relatively simple to build, while the grass part gave me a couple of headaches. The logical solution to creating a big flat area of grass is to build it out of system, but I couldn’t bring myself to do that for several reasons. The first one is I’m a Bionicle builder, not a system builder, so my selection of system parts is extremely limited and I don’t have any of it in bulk, especially green parts. The second reason is that BioCup is a Bionicle-based contest (gee, who would’ve thought), so using too much system would be very unsportsmanlike of me. The third reason is I am insane and if I decide to do something one way, I can’t be stopped (somebody help). So, I came up with this thing made of CCBS shells that you see here. These are literally all green CCBS shells in these sizes I own.

Here’s how it all is held together

Yes, these connections are indeed very reliable and extremely well-thoughtout, how could you tell?

By the way, if you’re wondering, no, the glowing eyes of the robot you see in the main picture are not edited, they actually glow like that. I achieved that effect by leaving a hole in the back of the turret leading to the trans-red lightsaber rods and shining a light on my phone down it while taking the picture. It worked like a charm, even though I had to be in a very uncomfortable position holding the phone in one hand and taking the picture with my camera in the other, all while crouching because my camera setup is very close to the ground.

Here’s how it works

Oh and the minifigure you see in the picture… I cannot confirm or deny allegations that it has anything to do with my 2022 prelims entry (the sussy NOTaHFfan biocup lore is expanding :sunglasses:)

Congrats, you’re reading this hidden text

Some pictures of the machine:

Well, I suppose this is it for now. C&C is greatly appreciated, as always.

This has been NOTaHFfan, thanks for viewing, and have a terrific day!


NotaHandFan hand reveal

look any excuse I can get to destroy a laptop I’m gonna take okay

Sus (Armenian: Սուս; Azerbaijani: Sus ) is a village within the strategic Lachin corridor, which links the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia. It was formerly under the supervision of the Russian peacekeeping force following the ceasefire agreement that ended the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war. The village came under the de facto control of the breakaway Republic of Artsakh from 1992–2022, administrated as part of its Kashatagh Province, and is de jure part of the Lachin District of Azerbaijan.As of 26 August 2022, Azerbaijan regained control of villages in the Lachin corridor, including Lachin, Sus, and Zabukh.


I knew it would be a banger! Love the gradient of the shells, and the blade legs are really…cathartic? Idk they’re satisfying looking.

Only crit would be that some other green parts (i.e Bonkle pits) for plant life may have been interesting and that I would love for the machine to be staring at the wanderer. I don’t care about old and new grey mixed but judges may feel different-but hopefully they look past that.

Good job! :sunglasses: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :blush:

now to die trying at getting mine done


strange little fella
i like


very epico, nice work as always


is this some kind of foot fetish allegation you’re making? :angry:
you know I would never :triumph:

I’m pretty sure this isn’t the first instance, I must have done this before somewhere…

Okay I’m going to let this one slide :dizzy_face:

@GoodGuy2006 @Eilrach thank you!

@Axelford Thank you very much! I appreciate the criticism!

Yeah, probably. I just think that I’m not nearly creative enough with parts to come up with minifigure scale plant designs out of bionicle pieces

It’s funny that you say this because it was my original intention with this build. Unfortunately, it ended up one of the ideas that had to be scrapped. It never really worked out because the machine ended up not having nearly enough articulation and stability to accomplish that. It’s barely able to hold its own weight in the picture, so were I to try and angle it more towards the ground, the legs would have just sled in all directions. It ain’t a biocup MOC if it doesn’t have major stability problems, ain’t that right?

Well, it seemingly didn’t bother them in my biocup2022 prelims entry, so my fingers are crossed that it will be the same this time

from what I’ve seen in the WIPs you’ve shown, I think you’re doing a great job! I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the finished result


me trying to explain nota hiffan biocup lore


this is great! that head is absolutely gorgeous and I love the varying shades of CCBS shells

I’m not exactly sure what the stack of technic beams are supposed to be but they look strange and tech-y so it’s fine

oh also the body of the little guy is different 0/10 :rage:

I have a very good feeling that you’re making it into round two and I can’t wait to see what you make next :wink:


Thank you very much!

I’m stealing that gif, mister :sunglasses:

Well it’s uhhh… it’s supposed to… it’s… I think it looks cool

Different scale :angry:

Eh, one of my opponents didn’t submit their entry, so I suppose all the chances are there. My fingers are crossed