Robot MOC

With all the time on my hands, I decided to rework a MOC that I completed and posted to this board over 3 years ago:

At first I just wanted to create a custom head because the old one was a rather generic Mata head.

When I recreated the head, the face seemed to portray a more neutral character than I originally intended, so I ended up changing the limbs to be more symmetrical and less sinister-looking.

This character is intended to be a mechanical robot, so I made the limbs rather skinny to give an endoskeleton-like feel. The major motifs of this MOC are gears and plugs, to represent the mechanical theme.

The skinny limbs and small feet make it difficult to balance, but highly posable.

Feel free to help me come up with a name, as I don’t have one yet. If anyone wants more pictures/instructions, just ask.


And, the pictures uploaded sideways. Just tilt your head, I guess.


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Nice design, structurally, a think a secondary color would help keep the pieces from blending in with each other.

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Quite simple, but rather nice.

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I like the head a lot! Kind of eerie-looking.

I got that feeling too, lol.

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Very nice design! It looks very robot-esque!