A collaboration between @Rothanak and I. Yup, you can use this for your Chiara entry (there’s a few days left). The .dat & .conn files are in the Thingiverse link.
The things I do instead of working on Zaria’s kanohi.
A collaboration between @Rothanak and I. Yup, you can use this for your Chiara entry (there’s a few days left). The .dat & .conn files are in the Thingiverse link.
The things I do instead of working on Zaria’s kanohi.
Just one question: why is the filter on the mask cut off halfway? Other than that, it looks quite good.
Because the source material in question.
EDIT: Photoshop glitched out and made this image even harder.
Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining! It makes sense now.
I know meme entries are disallowed, but I want to look at meme entries and say, what if they’re legit.
That, and it’s my subtle way of pressuring Rothanak into doing a last min entry.
People be sleeping on Rothanak’s design, and I think it should get the glowup it deserves.
EDIT: Started blocking Zaria’s kanohi. Any feedback would be good, and any suggestions for details (even though it’s just blocking and details come later)/
The front view looks neat! The T-visor and Ignika-like mouth design make it look similar to the more armored Spartan helmets in Halo. The very angular look from the side is nice as well, as it gives it more of a mask look, rather than the helmet it appears from the front. Fitting for a Toa of Iron to have a mask that serves as armor just as much as for its powers.
Yes, I stole a bunch of influences from the 343i Halo helmets.
Namely Deadeye. I’m experimenting with kleping some ideas from Morrigan aka Fred’s helmet. Maybe even some of the Bungie destiny helmet.
Might consider a menpo if it doesn’t destroy the ignika look.
Sounds neat! I’ll be keeping an eye out for the finished mask!
Still, need suggestions for the 3 fins. Something that’s hopefully not too difficult to do.
Oh, and the two holes on the side, they’re the perfect diameter for Minifigure, Headgear Accessory connections.
That’s looking neat! I like the angled bars on the sides, like the girders on bridges or scaffolding. It’ll look epic on Zaria!