Rush is an awesome band, and has a high degree of nerd appeal. Let’s talk about it! What are your favorite songs? Albums? Do you like Lerxst’s crazy improv? Geddy Lee’s crazy singing? Post it all here!
I’m prepared to die.
I’ve never even heard of it.
WHAT!?!? Inconceivable! Here’s a good album to start out with:
“Thimply Inconthevible!”
Congrats to anyone who gets the reference.
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” amirite?
Better stay on topic though
We need a Princess Bride topic just to see who knows about it.
Imma do it. But, on topic, Rush is a great band you should totally check out!
Yup! Listening to the link you sent right now.
Rush is awesome. I’ve seen them in concert only twice, sadly.
That’s two more times than me. I should probably try to go see them sometime before they retire.
I have never heard of this band in my life.
Huh, I thought they’d be pretty well known around here. Check out the link I posted above if you have time.
Rush is the favorite Band of Dan Avidan of Game Grumps.
My turn to be in the dark. I don’t know who that is (but he clearly has good taste in music. )
Oh, he’s a Jewish guy who plays video games with internet personality Egoraptor.
He’s this handsome gent
The way he’s squinting in that photo makes him look like Tommy Wiseau. I’ll have to check out that Youtube channel sometime.
He can and does mostly look more normal. But yeah, oftentimes he’ll bring up Rush, and berate his companion Arin for not knowing a lot of their stuff.
He’s also a singer, and sometimes when he breaks out into song randomly, it will indeed be Rush.
That’s awesome. Now I definitely have to watch the vids.
On topic: For those of you who are already fans, what’s your favorite song? Mine’s probably “Subdivisions” or “Limelight.” Honorable mention to “Marathon.”
Aw hell yeah, man. Limelight takes it for me personally.