OOC: true, but it was still pretty bad the last time he was there…
OOC: Well, “there” doesn’t really apply here.
OOC: Fair point. We will have to see how it plays out.
Ash wakes up and goes out to get some breakfast for him and Alison.
OOC[quote=“KingOfCatfish, post:40897, topic:36769”]
swapping genders, and
Ideruba says quietly “Is that when I checked myself out too…”
Ash comes back with two plates of lamb and eggs. He sets a plate down near Alison. He waits for her to wake up before he eats.
Arkane wakes up.
Flare also wakes up.
Coral was snuggles against her asleep.
Alexis wakes up.
Ideruba meanwhile is lottering
Flare smiles at her and pets her.
Arkane:" Good morning." He yawns.
She smiles “Morning.”
Coral quietly whines as she starts to wake up.
Arkane:" So what would you like to do today?"
Flare:" Morning my snowflake."
“Goodmorning my flame.” Coral says.
Alexis “Stay with you.” She snuggles up to him
Flare smiles and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
Arkane:" Well, what else beside that?"
Coral whines happily. “So, did you sleep well?”
Alexis smiles “Does it matter?”
Flare:" Yes I did."
Arkane:" Not really, I would just like to do something with you."
“Good.” Coral says as she kisses her cheek.