RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Alexis kisses his cheek “Okay then.”

Flare warms up.

Arkane:" Ok, so got any ideas."

Paul was working in the forge.

Coral nestles against her.

She chuckles “Maybe head over somewhere I like hanging out.”

Flare:" Got any ideas for what we can do today."

Arkane:" Yeah sure."

“We could take a mission.” Coral suggest.

“I wanna stay like this for a while.”

Flare:" Sure, what type?"

Arkane:" Ok, that is fine."

“Maybe a search and destroy?” Coral suggest, as she sits up.

She smiles and kisses him

Flare:" Yeah ok."

Arkane kisses her back.

“How about I take you out for lunch or ice cream afterwards?”

Alexis snuggles up to him

Ash couldn’t resist and starts eating his food.

Flare:" That sounds good."

Arkane holds her close.

She looks at him “I love you.”

“Then let’s get going.” Coral says as she gets up and heads behind the panel.

Arkane:" I love you too." He says smiling at her.

Flare also gets up and gets changed into her ■■■■■ and jeans.

Coral finishes changing and walks out. She was wearing a simple white t-shot along with a white skirt,

She wraps an arm around him.

OOC I gtg