RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Coral gets up and goes back to working on some clothing.

Flare:" Um sure, Coral."

Natalie walks back to Iris.

“Yes master?” Coral asks as she walks over.

Ideruba sits down “Hello Coral. I’ve come to converse a bit with you.”

Coral nervously looks at Flare for premision.

iris was crying alone.

Ideruba simply says “It is your choice. I can’t decide for you and nether can Flare.”

Flare nods.

Natalie walks over to her.

“Yes master.” Coral whispers. “W-what do you want to talk about?” She asks quietly.

“Simply about how you are doing. Your life. Just some insight.” When was I a therapist?

Coral looks at Flare for premision to speak.

Ash gets out of the water and puts on his cloth before walking back to the cavern.

“You may speak. It is your voice being heard. Not her’s.”

Coral just continues to wait for Flare to g I’ve her premision

Flare nods before leaving the room for them to be alone.

“I am doing well.” Coral says quietly.

Ideruba nods “How you feeling lately? Alone. Unwanted? That sort of stuff.”

Coral doesn’t say anything and looks for Flare.

Flare was in another room out of sight.

“She left so we could speak privately. Please talk for her sake.”