RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Coral hangs her head and doesn’t say anything.

Ash rekindles the fire in the cavern. I wonder how often I can use my Aura like that. I imagine not often, it seems to take a lot outta me, but still . . . He sits by the fire, warming himself up.

iris seeing she was back hugged her.

Ideruba smiles and puts his hand on her shoulders. She feels calmer “For her?”

how does he make her feel calmer?

Coral doesn’t say anything, and continues to look down.

Natalie hugs her back and picks her up, walking out of the cave.

OOC Semblance.
IC Ideruba moves her head up gently “You can look at me.”

“where are we going?”

Coral averts her eyes.

Ideruba sighs “Would it be better for you to talk to someone your own age?”

She still doesn’t say anything.

Ideruba smiles “You don’t want to talk?”

Ash remembers something he taught Oliver. Wait . . . if Aura can be channeled through weapons . … does that mean . . . gods, I wish I had Stardust.

Natalie:" Back home for a little to get what we can and then go to a friend’s house."

Coral again looks around for Flare.

Flare was still in another room.

Coral quietly looks down.

“She left so we could talk together. Learn to think for yourself.” He bites his lip Shouldn’t have said that.

she nods and held onto her, scared to ask about alice.

Coral closes her eyes. Not without premision. She thinks to herself.