RWBY Tournament (RP Topic)

OOC didnt you say you were going to sleep like 2hours ago

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OOC GN unless solo adventure.

OOC what do u mean solo adventure

OOC Where we just 2 characters interact

OOC ah i see and sorry for late reply… Tokyo ghoul

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OOC Just going to go to bed and reread the pokemon manga

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OOC ok then good night have fun.

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OOC Have fun watching your anime.

OOC thank you i will I absolutely love it…the gore…its beautiful​:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::rofl::joy:


OOC: Good morning and role call: @ToaVakota @Ace @KingOfCatfish @Omega_Tahu @LTVmocs @KingOfLemurs @BlackBeltGamer98

OOC Been rereading pokemon adventures manga. I live

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OOC hi


OOC: Hello, it has been done


Paul gets off the couch to get some water.
OOC church.


Ideruba walks out the door “I am going to be out for a bit.”

Alice begins to wake

Ideruba walks around Vale looks pretty nice…

OOC: Heyyoooo! Noon to 1530 MST I’ll be unavailable.

IC: Terin starts to wake up.

Soshi wakes up. Hey Terin. Sleep well?

Yeah, you? Terin asks, stretching.