Sabath V300

Just a motorbike moc, very small, so not many mocs fit there. Therefore i built a small biker in addition, but the main focus is the bike.



Really like the overall shaping, especially on the main body and back wheel. Only complaint would be that the connection for the front wheel looks kinda off, and the wheel in general looks a bit plain in comparison to the rest of the bike. Solid moc but could be better, hope this helps :ok_hand:


Wow. The shaping of the main body of this bike is superb.

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Overall I’m impressed with the shaping of the main body; those CCBS addons craft a wonderfully cohesive top. The choice of dark orange as an accent color is something I’ve never really seen on vehicle MOCs, really adding a kind of steampunk feel.

The shaping and the look.

That looks really good! My main issue is that the front wheel is a bit odd, maybe it’s too thin.

This looks cool. I especially like the shaping of the body

The rider looks to big for the motorcycle in my opinion.


I love the shaping for the motorcycle, it looks regal with the gold parts. :+1:

Looks a bit like Andre the Giant riding a 110 cc bike, perhaps the rider could stand to be scaled down a bit?

That aside, I really love the parts usage on the bike itself. The chassis looks super shapely and convincing, and that gold part makes a perfect seat.

I have a need.


Awesome moc. I do agree that the front wheel could use some jazzing up. I love the body and back though.

This is a decent M.O.C. with an industrial color scheme
The build is pretty nice.

At first I didn’t like the rider, but he’s starting to look a lot like something out of 2009, which is a plus for me.

As for the bike, I can’t say anything that hasn’t been said already, but it looks awesome.

Great bike moc. It is amazing how much detail you added in.