AKA any moment you were sad, shocked or emotional on the internet when you learned something or did something
when Monty Oum died :’(
Every Naruto death/ death spoiler ever.
When Takanuva wasn’t used at the end of bionicle like Greg wanted him to be. It killed my brain.
This is going to sound dumb but Videogame Highschool when what’s his names dad dies. That episode got me choked up.
Even though I find him extremely funny, I am sad that @Middlefingerstudios ever showed me Filthy Frank because I find it so funny. It’s so dumb and weird, yet so funny. WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!
The discontinuation of the story serials
I aim to please
You sir have indeed made me sad.
It’s worse if you know the lyrics
I don’t want
I’m a pretty emotionless guy. I don’t pride myself on it, but it’s a fact.
Yeah, I’unno whether I’ve ever been “sad” by something conveyed over the internet.
Though I was very upset when LU got cancelled.
Freakin’ fnaf. I’ve spent way too much time thinking about that game.
Actually, I’m not certain. Perhaps the end of Bionicle? Maybe finding out that a classmate had committed suicide?
Were you close to the victim?
Not terribly, but that made it hard in it’s own right. It had me thinking about how I had missed an entire person; and entire life independent of my own, yet right there. I could have been her friend. I could have given her another thing to live for. But I didn’t, and I had no clue that I should.
It’s really bizarre and disconcerting when things like that happen.
I got a pop-up ad for razors while watching this. I don’t think that Anohana was that sad.
When BIONICLE ended.
When I posted some things a lego employee told me and everyone started hating on me
the death of pepe