Saddest Video Game Moments (SPOILERS ALLOWED)

taking a que from Viper’s saddest movie moments topic, here is the place to share the saddest things you’ve ever experienced in a video game

From Eljay: Hey, it was more so recommended before, but I’d suggest you guys use spoiler tags for this topic. In order to use them, go [spoiler] text here [/ spoiler] without spaces. Thanks!

I’ll start (WARNING: ME3 spoilers) all the death’s in Mass Effect 3 Mordin, Legion, Thane and Anderson those all hit me pretty hard


Noble Six. And Deliver Hope when Kat’s arm is broken. Both of those get me every time. And those Mata Nui d*** Heretic Snipers. Me and my friends spent hours trying to kill those guys on NORMAL difficulty.


Saddest thing in a video game for me is in Pokemon X when Looker goes away to a different region and the game ends.

Looker is awesome…


The scene in KotOR when you find out Bastilla has fallen to the Dark Side. She’s been by your side every step of the way for most of the game, you (probably) are hoping to rescue her from Malak, and then, wham, she’s evil.


The saddest moment in a video game for me is when you read that storybook thing in Super Mario Galaxy.

The backstory of Rosalina is depressing enough, but the music this is played during your reading session just makes a man cry.


Recommendation, fellows. Try using the spoiler tags for these kind of things, considering I’m sure there are some who’d still like to play some of these and don’t wanna get spoiled. =P

(I don’t know how to use spoiler tags, so you’re out of luck there. Sorry!)


To use spoiler tags, type “[ spoiler ]” spoilers go here “[ /spoiler ]” without the quotes and extra spaces before/after the brackets.

fair enough, we did not spoil anything for you did we @Eljay? (genuine question)

Nah, I either haven’t played any of these games and don’t plan to, or I didn’t read any given post. I played Reach already, though.

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you’ve never played mass effect? @Eljay you really should play it (just my recommendation)

Mass Effect: Mordin, in ME:3. “Had to be me. Someone else might’ve gotten it wrong.” ;_;


Oh man…


Only played ME3. I’ve been told I should play the others, though.

that moment gets sadder. He next shows up in ORAS in the Battle Resort. He washes up there, and he has no memory

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when blackbeard dies in AC:black flag

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Oh god, I don’t think I want to buy OR any more…

they are all great (except for the mako in ME1…) ME2 is the best in my opinion


That moment in Shadow of the Colossus when your horse flung you to safety as it fell down into a ravine, and also that moment when you realized that you weren’t selflessly slaying great beasts to save your girlfriend, but that rather, you were murdering innocent creatures because you couldn’t get over your girlfriend and a voice in your head told you it might bring her back to life.

And then there’s the one game you would NEVER in a million years expect to have a depressing ending, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, the game where you fight an opera singing monster made of poop and ride on a T-rex to bite a man’s “big bone” off. That one totally hit me by surprise.


Well, I don’t play many video games.

Certainly not many with story.

So I can’t think of many sad moments off the bat.

I’ll think on this for a while :sunglasses:

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Oh my God, I never expected to choke up at the end of a Mario game!

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