Sahmasuong - The Ice Samurai

She’s a samurai.


Some more pictures would be nice, but this looks pretty cool from what I can see here!


Aaaaaaaaaa… manually closes gaping mouth --mazing!

Oh that is a cool MOC right there.
But seriously, it looks good, although a bit cluttered.

OMG the Backstory is so perfect… made me tear a little.

Jokes aside I actually like the MOC a lot.


That head is amazing. And I really like lower arms.

But something seems off about the legs.

I read the name as Samsung…

As others have said, that head is awesome!

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This is amazing! Though more pictures would be nice.

Cool! Ice job.

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Coolio-schdoolio, though when I first read the title I thought it said “samsung”. :stuck_out_tongue:

The skirt and wrist armour are fabulous. The feet seem a little blocky compared to the rounder shaping elsewhere though.

Everything looks dope, especially love the mask.