Salvation: Part II

“My actions are in compliance with cybertronian shipboard doctrine concerning contact with artificial intelligence,” Motherboard explains. “The Inquisitive Savant’s construct is to be allowed as little access to the CFC Salvation’s systems as possible.”

“I see. Well, can you give it access to all non-classified files pertaining to Lady Corona?”

“Acknowledged,” Motherboard complies.

Briefly, several commands flash across her visor as she completes the request, before the screen goes dark again.

“Well. That was easy.” He said. I might want to talk to the captains about increasing clearance He thought.

Motherboard silently nods. For her, it certainly was.

“Thank you ma’am” he said, then he turned to try and find the captains.

Topside and ■■■■■■■■■■■■ stood in the center of the bridge. The Autobot’s posture was relaxed, while the Decepticon stood upright with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Captains.” he said with a bow. “I have a request to make.”

“Then make it,” says ■■■■■■■■■■■■ authoritatively.

“What’s on your mind?” Topside asks.

“Well sirs, I’d like to request that the AI of the Inquisitive Savant be given access to the non-classified files of our database. I asked the Savant to run a series of tests that could determine if Lady Corona is actually out there, but it was blocked access to the necessary information.”

Pixel throws his own hand at Blight. The shocked bot blinked on impact.

His mouth sloped open, but no sound came out. He kept trying again and again to find words to say, but could do nothing but stand like an idiot, his mouth swinging weakly.

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Spectrum blinked kindly at Blight.
She then transformed into a small pink box.

“T-t-two Pixel’s,” Blight stammered, petrified. “Okay, um. I can do this, it’s only two- Nope, I can’t do this. Yes, I c-“

He forced himself to calm down before he spoke once more. “Does anyone know where the nearest airlock is? Because I’d like to throw myself out of one.”

Spectrum transformed and shook her head.

“It was rhetorical,” Blight frowned. He looked at Pixel. “What is going on?”


Spectrum nodded excitedly in response to Pixel.

“I understand where you’re coming from,” Topside says, “but Motherboard’s got the right idea. 'Til we can be sure the AI’s not a threat, I’m content to leave the situation how it is.”

“Of course sir. It was merely a request.”

Blight began to question his own existence as he glares at the brother, his eye both dull and alive with terror.

Topside nods, understanding.