Satyr: Looking for another title too

Hey everyone. Another MOC here. I would just like to sya that I was inspired to do this by @Rota_Lorem 's Centaur MOC.
This MOC Currently has no backstory. Let me know how I can improve.

looking for names. Im taking suggestions.


He looks really cool.

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Well I’ll give my comments on the build since I can’t come up with a name.

So the bow is really meh, the string stands out too much and feels out of place, maybe change it to black. The mask also breaks the color scheme greatly, the sword is nothing too special.

But the biggest issue are those feet, it seems almost impossible to make him stand without him leaning into the wall (ofc ai could be wrong, but that’s what the pics tell me)

Also the pics could be improved if they were taken on a flat surface, which would look better and would show us that he can actually stand on those feet.

Overall the legs are really lacking, specially those feet, if you could make them bigger and actually be able to support the moc it would help a lot.

So I give this a 4/10


Thanks. I armored the back too. The only thing that not bionicle in there is the string for the bow. It would look weird without the string though.

I had a little trouble with the feet… he can’t stand for long without falling over. The mask does break it a little. If i actually had gold pieces i would have used those.

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I feel like the bow would look better if it had a black string, but I huess it’s alright, not the worst thing.


true. Any suggestions on how I could fix those feet? I was going for hooves but messed up…

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For the feet, attach a mata hand pointing back, put Glatorian necks pointing towards the front, and put the shell on that, tell me how that works, if it does.


I don’t know if I even have those pieces…

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To begin with use a custom foot, using a shell by itself will not make the MOC stand and even if it did it would look bad. So I suggest using a “Mata hand” and build around it to get the look you are going for.


Let me actually try that now… got to get the MOC.

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Thanks. It feels good to inspire others. Usually other people inspire me. :blush:


Or you could always use a molded foot and build stuff around it.

Also little tip, reply directly to the post you want to reply, cause if you post it on the topic alone people won’t get notifs and might take them a while longer to notice your reply.

So anyway another suggestion, if you have is to build around the small protector foot and attach some stuff behind it.


Actually i fixed it now. took picutres let me upload…



Looks better. Another good thing to do would be to attach one of those two socket pieces and put the shell on it.

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Thats what i did. Its all good now.


The MOC needs a more cohesive colour scheme because there’s barely any trans orange and the gold mask looks out of place. Also for the most part, the MOC looks like it has a decent design, but the arms look like they get too skinny around the end of the bicep.

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Definitely a step above your last moc, so nice job in improving!

The feet are way too small, and I think you may have misinterpreted the suggestions a bit.

I think they were trying to point you in the direction of something like what I used on one of my mocs; keeping the shell, but connecting it like so

(also, you might want to flip it to get the look you were after. You really shouldn’t use this design piece-per-piece; just for a general idea of what you can do)
<img src="/uploads/db5640/original/3X/5/5/5554773246b56e2e76cafe5b01c73d85e5565a47.JPG" width=“666” height=“500”

The colorscheme is decent, though like Oniwah said, you probably want to distribute the trans orange around a bit more(unless you have a specific reason for putting it in those places alone).

Otherwise, I can’t really complain. Your armor coverage is looking a lot better!

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It doesn’t feel like a satyr, honestly.
The legs should be fuzzy and brown, at the least.

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I luv the weapons

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