Sauron The Great (LOTR Creation)

I haven’t seen many constraction ones, either.

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Thats really cool.

Oh my gosh, that head is utterly fantastic! That mace is cool (though lacking spikes) and the spiky textures all flow super well together! Stellar photography as well! Could we get a pic without the cloth elements in order to see how the base MOC is built?


I love the attention to detail here. The head design is great, too.

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Thank you!! A thousand times thank you! :slight_smile:

@Novel I think i will try to)
@legomaster1378 Th problem is, i can not get the cloack off, otherwise i will need to find a new one) I tried to show how the body is built.
@Stoax Thx :slight_smile:
@Toa_Distraxx Thank you, Toa_Distraxx!!

Edit for Quintuple Post.


@DominatoSpace Please keep all your replies in one post. Double, triple, quadruple, etc. posting is against the rules of the site, unless it’s an update with creative content (like, say, making a change to a MOC).

So please, keep it all in one reply using either quotes or using the @ thing like I just did.

Hopefully that outlines it for you. I edited your post to make it according to the guidelines. Take care.


OK.) I will

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Oh my gosh this is amazing. So good looking, great work! I love the head so much.

23/10, super cool.

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this is fantastic mr @DominatoSpace

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I love Sauron, and I love this MOC. Good job!

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Noice. Did you try making the mace with blades?


I would love to see a Witch-King and Balrog MOC!


I am not sure if I should praise it or flee in terror :stuck_out_tongue:

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What Vader said ^

That is absolutely amazing. A gorgeous MOC. Honestly with this one guy I have as much respect for you as a MOCer, as I do ShadowGear (and he’s my idol when it comes to MOCing.)

I can’t get over how amazing this guy is. Thank you for building it, you’ve made my day.

As a huge Lord of the Rings fan, I am amazed by this. I wish I could MOC even half as good as you!

The head is really detailed, I love it!

I don’t browse the lego creations category often (mostly because there’s often too much) but this sir, this is amazing

Jusy out of curiosity have you tried to make his mace as shown in the movie? That would be an awesome addition

Brilliant, I love LOTR, so you just combined two of my favorite things.