Scary LEGO Topic

Could not find this topic, so let’s start.

What are scariest LEGO sets ever? To me, it has to be Dino Attack and Dino 2010. Those Dinosaurs look SO SCARY. I can make a baby cry by showing it them to him.
Anyway, let’s disscus!
(Note for Mods: This topic is about scary sets, not obscure LEGO sets, which already exists.


Lego isn’t really meant to be scary to begin with, so its rather hard to come up with things. However, I do have one, the entirety of the Creeps from the Deep animation. Especially the ending. If you were really young it would probably give you nightmares. Poor little Dekar being dragged down a cliff into darkness by a tentacle wasn’t exactly kid-friendly.


Yeah, that’s pretty scary, even though is no actual set based on that scene…

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Arguably bionicle is the only theme to scratch the ‘creepy’ factor and '07 had the best potential for it.

In that sense I’d put the toothy boi Gadunka somewhere up there.


Oh well… No… Ah! That set! Nah… I know! No, even my younger brother played with it.
This was my reaction when I saw the title of the topic. There are no scary lego sets. It’s a toy line, after all!


Anything from LEGO Galidor or Scala, there’s no contest.


This is not scary?


When I was younger, I loved them, but never got my hands on one.



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Actually the fact that looks so scary makes this theme so awsome!

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The scala baby is so so scary, I don’t know why, it just is. Also I don’t find dino attack scary at all.


Not that scary really.

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Scary in a good way :smile:

But in the bad way, is scala, for sure

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Same to me…


The Lego Star Wars set Palpatine’s Arrest. Its scary, but in concept. All of the Jedi in the set are KILLED (except Anakin, but you know what happens).

Edited for Double Post ~Hawkeye



The fact that someone looked at that design, then nodded and went “Yeah this is fine, we can release this”

It…it keeps me up at night.


I don’t get all the hat for Ketar. He’s a little strange looking, but he’s not that bad.


May I ask why? Just curious, I love the new sets.

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I don’t know what the other guy thinks, but for me personally I fear OverWatch will just make room for more licensed themes to come, completely killing the Original LEGO themes. That is just my opinion though.

(PS: I never played OverWatch and I am not interested in playing it, so I don’t care about the LEGO theme. I hope it only lasts one or two years, personally)

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Most of the sets are god awful in my opinion and barely fit with Overwatch.
There’s imo like two good sets.

Licensed Themes probably won’t kill Original themes. If lego went solely licensed they’d probably loose more money then they’d gain.

Anyway, a pretty scary set for me as a kid was this Harry Potter set

It was kinda an irrational fear too

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