Agreed. Some of your better work, BoltTron. Wasn’t a fan of your last MOC at all, but this shows potential.
I really like it too
but the two fin pieces on the crotch bother me ever so slightly
It normally wouldn’t work, but it creates a nice flow in this case.
I like the way its angled
but something about it
feels weird to me
maybe the fact that the silver is much more darker then more of the other pieces?
or maybe the fact that it is smoother the n most of the other pieces
Well I totally understand your point, they might be weird, but I kinda wanted to give a knight vibe going on, especially inspired from AoE Optimus Prime.
Oh yeah
I def like the general knight vibe with most of the moc
So @MrBoltTron will you ever get back to posting on Youtube? I would love to see a review of this guy.
I like it! The proportions are a bit wacky, but it all works well.
Man, that armour coverage is absolutely gorgeous.
One thing to note though, is that glaring gap in his left forearm. In a MOC that’s otherwise very solidly built that bit looks awkward and unfinished.
Also, I can’t really tell much, but it seems like those metru feet would be a bit unstable, seeing as how they’re so small in relation to the rest of the MOC. It might not be too much of an issue, but replacing them with something bigger would probably do the MOC some favours in terms of stability and overall appearance.
Other than that, there are very few cons with this set. It’s got a solid build, solid colour scheme, and by golly do I love skirt armour.
Thanks for your thoughts!
I can tell that my background causes an illution, I actually used two round shoe parts to make the inside of the lower arm clean.
Other than that, about metru feet, I personally wanted to make him more “humanoid” look, not just obviously because he is humanoid MOC, but anatomically I wanted. There is no issues with the other feet, such as inika, piraka, which they’re kinda common for MOCing. Sure the metru feet might cause some issues for this MOC, such as poseability.
Yes he kinda looks unfinished, but hey, that is why Hrez’rak is still in WIP form, I just wanted to post it here, so if you’re interested about him. The skirt armor I got an inspiration from AoE Optimus Prime. And thanks again for your thoughts
This is a really really cool MOC. Absolutely 0 gaps. Great use of the Rodes as armor, but how did you get three of them.
Well, I got three (actually 5) of them from Axonn, separately, 2nd one from Vezon and Kardas Dragon set, 3rd one from Piraka Outpost playset, and lastly 4th and 5th from Piraka Stronghold set c:
Oh cool