Self-Defense Umbrella (MOC League 2022 Round 1)

Created for Round 1 of MOC League 2022, build a weapon.

Tired of your umbrella just shielding yourself from the rain and not dumbing that horrid weather on those around you? Then tire no more! Introducing the latest umbrella in self-defense, the Rain Repeller 3000! Featuring built-in rotary blades for slicing action, a mini-rotary laser cannon, defensive shielding, and a bayonet for personal stabbing! Now on sale for the low payment plan of $20/67 months!

Turnaround with Umbrella:

Self-Defense Umbrella:

I imagine most of the build is easy to see from the turnaround photos, but on the off chance it’s not here are a couple standalones.

Product Model Extras:

Designer’s Notes:

Finally! You’ve finally worked for something. I have been trying to use this parachute piece in a MOC since at least 2021. The last attempt, in which the MOC got posted, was Captain Dogger. Part of the reason why he’s so large was due to me trying to use the parachute as a rain poncho, but I couldn’t get it to fold or lay down in any way to looked good. I’ve tried using them as dresses, I’ve tried using them for a lot of things. So glad one of them finally worked out.

As for the umbrella itself, this is something I’ve attempted to build since at least 2019. The sapling dude I built back in 2020 contains the remnants of the frame built in 2019. Like my Kited-Tail Squirrel, I was trying to use capes to get the shaping and look I wanted, but couldn’t ever get the capes to stay in place. I’ve made a couple other umbrella weapons for MOCs yet to be posted since then, but this is the closest to the original version I wanted to build. Minus replicating the function of real umbrellas, where pulling it down would cause it to close. I considered doing that for this one, but I wouldn’t have the time in my schedule to get that working. So a simple hinge method will have to do.

Though I see I’m not the only umbrella weapon fan in this contest. Maybe this will be the winning trend. :stuck_out_tongue:


ooooo reallly creative!


I have that parachute piece and have thought about using it like this. Well done.




very nice self-defense umbrella. The parts use of the parachute for the canopy is pretty cool and looks good for a Bionicle-sized umbrella. Great job


Pretty sick my dude


I have never seen a lego umbrella before. it’s simple, but it is definitely unique.