Self MOC: Colrar the Grim Reaper v2

Looks cool.

The proportions really throw me off for some reason, however,

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What is it about them?

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I honestly don’t know. They just look weird to me.

Maybe it’s the entire concept of a buff Grim Reaper, which is typically representing a lanky skeletal being.

The legs are a bit lanky. At least him being bulky makes him unique.

Unique: Yes.

Off-putting (to me, at least): Yes.

The MOC it cool, don’t get me wrong, just very strange to me based on it’s concept.

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The annoying thing is, he kind of has to be bulky because he was a continuation of a previous MOC and therefore had to retain similar proportions. Just glad you found it cool :slight_smile:

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Yeah, they’re better.:thumbsup:

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I’m not saying it’s something you need to change, just giving my comments on the MOC :smile:

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Ik, but I actually want to see him lankier so he fits the concept better now that you’ve pointed it out. Specifically considering he’s my self MOC and I’m the skinnier guy Ik. Oh well.

@JoeScibelli EDIT: just realised I forgot to add the story :slight_smile:

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I like it, a little cluttered but good

I was summoned here for some reason

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Thought you might like this :innocent:

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Its the back of the torso

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Well yeah he looks pretty cool,especially with the coat/hood/cape thing.

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Oh right yeah, cos it has those blades embedded in it I’m guessing? I can see that. I’ll see if I can improve it

@Ghosty cheers, stereotypical grim reaper attire. And a scythe to go with it :slight_smile:

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Looks pretty good to me.

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An improvement? Or not? And if so why/why not?

@ToaSonus In terms of view or articulation?

The idea behind them was to have weapons protruding from his body to make a rotting effect. Not sure if it worked well

@king328 thanks a lot man :slight_smile:

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The armor on the forearms blocks the hands.

@TheMoltenKing Yes. It looks a bit awakward as well, since armor wouldn’t be built that that realistically.

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I think he looks okay when he’s wearing his cloak, but fantastic when he takes it off. The whole design of the body is pretty creative, and he looks stocky yet sleek at the same time. I’m not too sure about the weapon though, seems a bit heavy and I think a little bit more thought could have been put into it, not saying that you didn’t already, mind you, but I think if you spent a little bit more time revamping his scythe, you’d be able to make something fantastic that stands out more. My only other criticisms are the weird daggers and axes sticking out of his cloak, along with the way the cloak is attached. What really bothers me about the random weaponry is the fact that they’re not really attached by an actual connection point, and just kind of stick out without any function. My problem with the cloak is the wadded up appearance it gives. It looks fine from the front, but in the back it looks like someone wearing a blanket over their head. Other than that, I think this has come along pretty far, and build-wise I think it’s really solid. Great work!


Snazzy MOC, bro. Overall, he looks very good, but much better with the cloak. I’m glad you balanced the colors (which was the only issue with V1). Without the cloak, he looks a bit awkward, but with it he’s great. Keep it up!

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