Self MOC: Colrar the Grim Reaper v2

The hood is the best part :stuck_out_tongue:

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@ToaVoriki so do you like it?

I have been summoned here from the depths of PM 9. What is up, guys?

Colrar, the grim reaper. Nicely done. Though I still don’t understand the large cloth, aside from that, it looks awesome.

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yes :blush:

Guessing that’s a joke but I don’t get it :slight_smile:

Well I had to outfit him with typical grim reaper attire

@ToaVoriki :thumbsup:

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In my opinion, that mask looks better with horns, but I love the torso (The fire jutting out of his shoulders is a nice touch)

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It used to have horns but they were too big for the hood :frowning:

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