Self MOC: Jemoph - (version 9)

A vagabond toa wandering the deserts of spherus magna…

without cloak

*with ‘special mask’

Critique, criticize and comment! Also enjoy


Pretty cool.
He looks rather stylized.

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I like him. The torso is especially well done.

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The build is pretty solid, in my opinion, but my only issue is that his sword (unless it’s a tail) is connected rather strangely. That, however, is my only gripe with this. Good build overall.

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Nice build, and the green and black color scheme is always nice. Good job @JMP!

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I really like it, but there’s something offsetting about him I feel, I just don’t know what exactly.

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While I am not a fan of how he looks with the second mask, I really like this!

He looks much better than the last version.


Not feeling the waist.
The elbows are a bit hollow looking.
Something about the hips looks wrong, but I can’t quite place it.

That said, I like it.


I like it, except the waist and legs feel off to me. Like the waist is such an odd shape, and the thighs are bulky and then slick legs.

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Neat! I think some more bulk around the shoulders and limbs would be nice.

I like it! But I’d change the feet.

Sword connection is REALLY awkward, and the legs leave a lot to be desired. Everything else is pretty aight though!