Self MOC: Stoax Toa of Stone (outdated)

Never in his 4 year history have I ever given a full look at my self MOC, but here he is!

Brief Backstory: Stoax used to be a carver on the island of Artakha, he was very overlooked because the Matoran on the island were more concerned about work than stopping to bask in the arts, though he still did care for his people nevertheless. However, following the League of Six Kingdoms attempt to overthrow Mata Nui, an illusive group known as The Sons of Necron came into the city and captured nearly every Matoran, including Stoax. Though after a strange notice in the vanishing of Matoran, The Hand of Arthaka send in special ops team SOLISGUARD to retrieve the Matoran. Upon rescue Stoax had two things going through his head, for one he was angered at the man who had captured him (whom he had gotten a brief look at) and yet he was also concerned about the people he respected. Using this opportunity he persuaded Toa Minera to let him join the group for the greater good of his people. He became a Toa shortly afterwards and was sent with Minera train Stoax by unraveling who The SON is and what they want.

Side view of the MOC (some of the parts are custom because I was running low on brown parts)

Back view, his lower torso from the back does look kinda thin and he could use more tan in his legs. The reason he has that silver armor piece raised so high was because its supposed to give the appearance of heavy armor, as though he is wearing a juggernaut suit, which is fitting because 1. he is a Toa of Stone and 2. He’s a special forces operative

Random pose with his Giga Pick. One of my least favorite parts about him is that his knees cannot bend a full 90 degrees and his head is very fixed, meaning that he can only look up or down so far.

Him and his newly met friend, Rauera, posing with their weapons.

“We’re back” says an Okakawi and Tardigrada knocking Stoax to the ground.

A look at Stoax’s weapon, the Giga Pick. The Giga Pick is a large pickaxe that used to be the tool he used to carve, It has incredible force and can channel Stoax’s elemental control over stone. If the user of this weapon is under tension, it can unleash waves of plasma at the target.


I really like this MOC. Although, some the colors look a bit cluttered, I still like it.

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I think the main thing that bugs me is the asymmetry of the Skrall plates on his legs; otherwise, this looks pretty good!

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Lol yeah I could only find one armor piece in the tan/brownish color in my parts collection. I could use bricklink to get another but I don’t use paypal.

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Looks like someone is also a big fan of pohatu :smiley:

I really like the overall build of your moc! the only things that bothers me is the skrall armor and that it doesn’t look like the shoulders can move out that much. Both of those are just nitpicks, and I absolutely love the stringer shoulders

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My god there have been a lot of moc topics today

anyways I think this guy looks pretty bad-ace


Coolio. And with the black shoulders and thighs are you trying to emulate the mata’s black connectors. Cause if so that’s awesome.

For a second, I thought it was a Pohatu revamp.

It looks very good! I can’t find any of the hated blue pins, but the blue pieces on his hands stick out like sore thumbs (pun intended). I didn’t even notice the armor mismatch until @ColdGoldLazarus pointed it out.

Pickaxe is very axe-like.

Great job!


Props for only using one shade of brown in his entire build.

(is it just me or does every brown MOC I look at have bits of tan and black armor?)

Well he is a Toa of Stone

Slightly off topic, but how is his name pronounced? Is it (stow-axe) or (stokes)?


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Very well done.

This is pretty nice. My only problems are the amount of greebling on the moc and the inconsistent colors (i.e. black/tan Skrall armor on the upper legs). Otherwise, not a bad moc.

Oh man! This is a really cool Self-MOC! Great work!

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Well you at least get props cuz he’s a Toa of Stone, hardly any people do that. My only gripes are that he looks too much like Pohatu, the mismatched thigh armor, and the black just doesn’t seem to flow very well, otherwise nicely done.

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lol necropost

This is pretty great overall.
I really like it, and I see nothing much wrong with it.

I really like this build, nice body shapes overall and the use of different brown and tan pieces makes it look like desert camo like 2016 Pohatu has.