Self MOC: Stoax (update)

Very sweet!

I like them…


Well, maybe give him some more…black, get rid of the tan. and maybe change his mask (or just highlight with a sharpie).

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Not sure about getting rid of the tan. As for the Kakama, Stoax has always wore that Kanohi so he would look pretty weird without it.

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Well, maybe not weird…just different.

I have no idea…

it’s not like you could replace the kakama with any sort of brown mask, right?


Maybe a nuva mask…

or a mata mask…

or a mask.

I tried using Pohatu Nuva’s mask on him but it looked yucky, also tried the noble Matatu (considering that Stoax uses a mask of telekinesis in my story), and I didn’t really like the look of it either. Perhaps I will give him a Kakama with patterns on it.

Kinda like this


Looks good. but maybe make the patterns black?

So, I’m currently updating Stoax again with newer limbs, some minor tweaks on his torso, and a new mask. Some of the colors may look a bit off, but those will serve as place holders until I get the same parts in the color I’m looking for. I got the brown Matatu by spray painting it in the closest shade to Mata brown I could find (I can hear the cries of purists in the distance)

(Yeah, some of the spray paint is chipping away. I’ll have to fix that.)

The best thing about this update IMO would be the greater range of posability I can get out of him compared to the rather static prior form