Shadows of Purgatory - RP Signups and Discussion Topic

Pawnee County Oklahoma has always been known for its tall tales and native legends, but out of all the cities that call Pawnee County home, Purgatory has more than its fair share. With reports of Big Foot sightings, alien abductions and the tourist attraction that is the McElroy Brother’s Pond; Purgatory has earned its rank as one of the nation’s best destinations for unexplained events.

Recently, reports of several missing persons has caused wild rumors to circulate of something far more sinister.

You and your team have been contacted by an anonymous source, claiming to represent the Council. You have been tasked to investigate the rumors and if needed; solve the mystery of the missing persons before State and Federal Law Enforcement agencies intervene.

Do you have what it takes to solve the case, or will you become part of another story in the legend of Purgatory?


Set in an alternate timeline, the story of Purgatory takes place in a semi modern era where mankind didn’t stop at the Moon. Earth has colonized the inner planets and is preparing to make the journey beyond our home system. Mankind has experienced a “golden age” of technology, but that hasn’t changed the face of rural Oklahoma much.

Area Info:

The city of Purgatory is mostly in Pawnee County Oklahoma (its southern most points crossing the border into Payne County. It was founded a decade after the last great war and encompasses 200 square miles (518 square kilometers for our friends across the pond) .and despite it’s size, only has a population of roughly 80k. It is known for its tall tales and native legends; but its world renown for its university of natural science and space flight.

Local Factions:

Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office.

Sheriff Walter (Walt) Harring has served multiple terms as Sheriff for Pawnee County and is hard as nails. He is known nationally for his tough stance on crime, winning the last election by touting his policies and number of criminal convictions.

Purgatory Law Enforcement Officers (L.E.O.)

Police Chief Frank Presley is known for his temper, and reports of his department’s treatment of criminals has brought his under an ongoing investigation. With the latest rumors circulating around town, he and his department have a lot to lose. He has ordered his officers to do what they can to calm everyone’s nerve and hopefully leave the department in a better light with the state agency investigating him.

Oklahoma Bureau of Criminal Delinquents (O.B.C.D)

One of Oklahoma’s notorious criminal agencies, the OBCD is tasked with youths ranging from the age of five through eighteen. Rumors have been circulating that one of their officers has been dispatched to Purgatory to track down a missing teenager that didn’t report to their parole officer in a timely manner.

Local Government:
This is an election year and none of the members on theCity Council (including the Mayor) are guaranteed to win. Despite this, many of the members of local government have been oddly quiet about the missing persons.

Purgatory Civilians

Even though the town has a large population, most of the 80k population is seasonal. Between the months of May and August, the population drops to considerably as students leave for the summer. Those remaining are the ones who call Purgatory home, many having claims to the area back before Purgatory was founded.

University of Central Oklahoma (UCO)

UCO is renown for its agricultural and aerospace programs, each drawing in the best and brightest for an attempt to be one of the few accepted each semester.

In the last few years, rumors of “Black Projects” and secret societies have popular talk amongst the student body.

Technology Overview

Despite having colonized the inner worlds of our solar system, the average person doesn’t really have access to the specialized tech that comes with space travel. Fossil fuel vehicles (planes, trains and automobiles) is still used, though electric vehicles are becoming more available (although at a higher price than its counterparts).

You can expect to see the occasional smaller spaceship circling overhead as student pilots spread their “wings” after hours in UCO’s simulators.


This is the southern United States, and the 2nd Amendment is a prominent part of today’s society. Everything from a modern version of the old Cowboy six-shooters to the latest in high tech manned portable energy weapons is available to those who have the money; and can pass the background check ;).

That said, there are always loopholes for those who want to stay on the anonymous side of things.


Just like the weapons, body armor is your right and if you have the money you can buy just about anything that’s available on the market. Keep in mind, it is harder to “acquire” military hard suits, but anything is possible with the right connections.


The internet is an amazing thing. Not only can you communicate with people around the world in seconds through a social media app or message board, you can stream those funny cats videos on your augmented reality headset at the same time.

In all seriousness though, communication systems are slightly more advanced than our current level of tech IRL. So pull out your favorite smartphone or comm unit and have fun.

Character Creation:

Below is your standard character sheet - please make your character as unique as you like. I do have some guidelines to character creation which will be listed below, and I do hold the right of final approval for each entry. That said, if you have a question about anything, let’s talk. DM me and I’ll work with you on getting your character approved.


This is a semi-serious RP, and it does have potential for the unaliving of Player Characters. That said, I REALLY don’t like putting players into a scenario where they don’t have a way out. And unless otherwise requested by a player, I’ll do my best to give you that option of surviving.

Also, I’m going to bend the standard RP rules for this one - each player will be allowed to create a NPC (secondary character) that they can control to help their main on their journey. The NPC will need to be approved by me or any player(s) who hold temporarily GM status should I be away due to IRL conflicts.

That said, and just as a reminder - the creator of that NPC can autohit their own character.

Another modification to this RP. I’m going to allow some leeway for the players during their interactions with NPCs.

Example: Player John Doe decides they see an enemy in their line of sight, but a NPC is standing in their way. The Player can write out their action and say something along the lines like “John raised his pistol, but (random unnamed NPC) was in the way. John takes his free hand and pushes her aside and shafts shooting.”

Since there is a random/unnamed NPC, I’m not going to count this as an autohit. She may say something later to express her annoyance, but that’s how the story goes.

Please keep in mind, there is no auto hitting named NPCs - and unless it’s your secondary character, you will need to DM me or the acting GM with your intentions and wait for approval.

Finally, (I say that but as time goes on this may not be the “final” statement) since this is the beginning of the RP, I am going to limit each character to $100 in game currency at the start of the game (yes, that’s included any approved NPCs as well), one sidearm (nothing too crazy) and one piece of unique equipment to help along the way. This equipment can be a radio, augmented reality glasses, a Flipper Zero, etc … just nothing too crazy and SciFi.

As a reminder, I am going to hold final say on all character sheets and will let you know if something needs to be modified before final approval is granted.

Also, first person to complete and submit an approved character sheet gets a cookie :slight_smile:

Character/NPC Sheet









GM Assistance:

I’m going to do what I can in the beginning to help the Players get started in the campaign. There will be some helpful GMPCs to give you a kickstart, and who knows … maybe a familiar face from time to time to help along the way. I look forward to seeing you all in Purgatory.

Technically Deep Dive

In 1962, President Kennedy said in his famous speech that “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." Little did we know just how hard it would be to continue in our expansion throughout the inner planets.

The harsh environment of space and our limited understanding of robotics initially lead mankind down the path of genetic engineering. In the mind 1970s, astronauts were genetically modified to “harden” their bodies against the stellar radiation that would saturate them and future colonists.

As time passed, that technology became more available to the general public, starting the golden age of humanity. The average life span grew by a few decades, most cancers were cured and a resistance to disease improved the quality of life for just about everyone.

However, in the mid 1980s - physicians from Earth Sphere (formerly known as the United Nations) raised the alarm about the possibility of genetic alterations causing a “split” in the species, and feared rogue colonies creating “super soldiers” from the technology. With a focused campaign and political pressure, most genetic alterations were banned. Now holding a stigma throughout most of mankind.

Unfortunately, this trend began to influence the fledgling cybernetics industries, limiting their function in both life saving technologies.It wasn’t until the early 1990s when the Third World War broke out that both industries came back into full swing - making up for lost time, genetic engineering and cybernetics became the weapons of choice to win the global conflict.

After the war, nations began to rebuild the pieces with these technologies no longer as limited as before the war - but a stigma still remains.

Generic alterations are typically used by the medical community to help regrow limbs, and to improve the standard of living for those who undergo treatment.

Those who choose cybernetics or synthetic prosthesis typically go for a more natural “look” to their enhancements. No one wants to be called a “Synth”, however some wear the slur with pride by openly displaying their clearly cybernetic prosthetics openly.

Technology Overview

The tech in this setting includes artificial limbs, organs and even full body prosthetics. These range from the basic endoskeletal implants that can hide under the skin, to the more robotic outward appearance mimicking the Terminators from the old 1980s action movie. Full body Prosthetics are rare, typically used when an individual has suffered traumatic injury. Even with these full body prosthesis, they are generally modeled after the natural human body (think Ghost in the Shell and less Cyberpunk 2077).

Genetic alterations, although less expensive than cybernetics also come at a price. The human body is an amazing biological machine, but even with genetic enhancements - it has its limits. That “healing factor” you chose can definitely come in handy in certain situations, but the toll it takes in your body can be just as bad. Some of them becoming part of the myths that make up the setting of our story

“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” - Newton’s Third Law

Local Lore

For years rumors have circulated that there are more supernatural or paranormal entities that roam the hills of Pawnee County Oklahoma. Some say these are just old wives tales or just the McElroy brothers trying to earn a buck at their tourist trap. Was that blurry photo a man wearing a Chewbacca costume, or was that really Bigfoot?

Why is the dog staring at the corner of the room, growling at nothing? That strange feeling of someone watching you may not just be your imagination after all.


So this is quite the interesting setup, but there’s a couple questions I had before I made a signup (yes I know, I’ve been such a grumbletonian lately :smirk:)

Would it be possible to have a character veering to the more supernatural (albeit still grounded and hopefully not overboard) aspects of the setting, if said aspects were tied to Purgatory?

What would the level of tech for things like prosthetics, synthetic tissues, and the like be at?

I’m a little confused as to what the NPC is meant to accomplish that having secondary characters couldn’t. They have their own weapons, their own actions, their own wallets, they can’t be autohit by anyone other than the player/GM, and they have their own signups as well. Sounds like they’re just second characters.

Not that it’s a bad thing, by any means - more characters means more to kill :goo:, but I’m not sure why there’s a distinction for the NPC if they’re just an optional second character.


These are great questions. And I’d gladly clarify - I’m about to clock off at work and have a long drive ahead of me. I’ll definitely get you an answer to all those questions


Okay, now that I’m home and not being pulled in fifteen different directions at once - I should be able to clear up not on @Ghid ’s questions, but also the questions I’ve received via DM.

Let me start off by saying “Thank You!” To everyone who DMed me and posted on this topic. The questions are already helping me evolve the original plot :sunglasses:

The simple answer to this question is Yes. I received similar questions regarding this topic too, so to help with Character building I’ll add a “Deep Dive” of sorts into the possibilities on this and also for the technologies available in this setting -including prosthetics, cybernetics, genetics, etc

Okay, so for this I definitely need to clarify. I was originally planning on using this mechanic to allow a Player to create at random a NPC to help them complete their action, kind of a throw away character that can pop into existence for an assist or if needed (or wanted) a free kill.
So this is better explained as a secondary character. I want to limit their use to one (1) secondary character per Player.

As for @Ghid ‘s question, allowing the creation of a full blown secondary character is a mechanic I hadn’t considered, however it is something that I like. I’m going to ask that any players limit their secondary to just that - a secondary. Having a single Player control more than two (2) characters could become confusing.

For the questions I’ve received about how I described the Character creation sheet - I used different terms than usual. So basically, Bio was to replace History but in my haste to create the topic I skipped over that. I’ll make the corrections and hopefully fix any confusion that caused.

As for further Lore to the setting, I will edit the original post to include more details, however I want to leave a section on this page to allow the Players to discuss and piece together the majority of the Lore that they discover along the way. I promise to give you details as the Players interact with the NPCs and will give you plenty of clues along the way.

As for Player count, I haven’t really considered a Player cap at the moment. However, I would like to have a minimum count that I will leave unmentioned at the moment. Hopefully I can get the Message Board “Lurkers” to join in via Adams to help steer the story from behind the scenes. After all, anything is possible in Purgatory.


I suppose I should hold off on making a profile until that exists so I have something to reference - got a couple ideas bouncing around at the moment, not sure which direction I want to head in just yet.

This sounds more like a pet or robotic buddy of some kind than an entirely separate character. I think an example of such a character in action would help a lot in terms of getting your idea across.

I assume foregoing the NPC character is an option?

It’s happened before, sometimes to great success and other times not. However if the secondary characters have all the same perks, opportunity for individual posts, individuality, signup sheet, and cash on hand as the main player characters, then they basically are an additional character rather than a conscious item of sorts.

I’m going to start working on a signup while I wait for further details about the world. Looking forward to this one :goo:


Oh it definitely exists - I’m trying to keep a level of secrecy so as not to give away too much along the lines of plot. But yes, as long as there is nothing too crazy along the lines of supernatural elements to the character, I’m good.

I haven’t received this question yet, but I will go ahead and address it here. There isn’t any magic in this world, but the level of technology available in this setting can pull off some pretty astounding things.

Fair enough - I’m sure it will come up at some point during game play and I can use it as an example then.

You’re correct. I like the idea of giving the players options. And options help tell the story.

Keep the questions and the suggestions coming, and I’ll keep this page edited with the pertinent information.


Name: Gracie Elliot

Nicknames: Squirt, Tiny

Age: 18

Weapons: A pilfered pistol, is now covered in stickers, various explosives, some of her own design, a knife.

Equipment: Random pieces of armor strapped together and covered with spray paint. Lock picks. Handmade detonators. Batteries. A ridiculous hand-sewn mask with rabbit ears.
A belt with half full spray cans.

She is 5’2 with white skin and bleached hair, the tips of the strands dyed pink. Constantly wears a headband with rabbit ears. Is slender, and at least one of her knees always has a kneepad. Her attire consists of radically colored pieces of clothing, from hot pinks to cool blues, looking very much like a rainbow vomited on her. Her left hand is cybernetic, each of the fingers a slightly different shape and color.

Personality: If she isn’t talking, she’s laughing. Tiny is one for obscene theatrics, drawing small things into ridiculous scenes. She is extremely careless for herself and those around her, making her essentially a walking liability. She constantly is on the edge of bursting out into fits of laughter normally, but when things go wrong, she freaks out, and then she’s prone to ranting about how everything is terrible. She loves to tinker with bombs and explosives, creating a myriad of wacky traps, some more lethal than others.

History: Tiny’s life was a turbulent mess. While her mother and father were upstanding citizens, she led a life of mischief and trouble, from graffiti to fireworks, creating all sorts of strange inventions and gizmos that would inconvenience anyone and everyone. She learned how to make them from videos and trial + many errors. One of these errors led to a large explosion, wherein she lost her hand.
This led to her constantly getting wound up with L.E.O. and the O.B.C.D., much to her parent’s chagrin. She has now been put on the watch list, and thus she had to stop. As of late, she has been become increasingly obsessed with the missing persons, as she cannot continue her shenanigans. An entire wall has been covered with notes and newspapers, as she badly wants to find out about it, who’s doing it, and why it’s happening in the middle of nowhere.

Tiny hates zucchini. She has a collection of plushies, and loves to put bombs in them.
She has a large collection of keychains.
She has been diagnosed with ADHD.


Wait isn’t this just Tiny Tina :imp:


As soon as I read this I was hoping she was going to be a local. I could see her enrolling at the Purgatory University and fitting in just fine with the student body.

I’m hoping we find out more about these connections along the way.



Welcome to Purgatory!

@Ghid I had the same thought :sweat_smile:


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Name: Oswin Markoras

Age: 13

Weapons: Oswin’s body is very slim, so the ability to conceal or carry weapons in an unobtrusive fashion doesn’t really exist. Instead, he can detach his arms at the shoulder and swap them for heavy-duty arms, blocky in shape and longer than normal, with much greater output capability in terms of, well, hitting stuff. His entire body is bulletproof, but due to it being mechanical he is extremely susceptible to hacking on any scale, meaning others with the right tech could listen in, overload his systems, temporarily shut him down or even control his actions. He’s also really heavy and capable of carrying or lifting a tremendous amount, although his standard arms are not designed for fighting and will not carry nearly as much force behind them as his specialized ones do.
He can also disconnect his legs at the hip if necessary, although he mostly just does it because it’s something to do and he can freak people out sometimes. This has a tendency to kill any parties he goes to.

Equipment: Oswin carries no hacking equipment, but can plug directly into a computer if the right cables are available through ports in the base of his skull. This allows him to, well, interact with a computer faster than a normal person can using just his mind. He carries no extra weaponry outside of his arms, however he has trained his systems to use and operate firearms extremely efficiently, should the opportunity (and the need) arise.
He is also entirely waterproof and can withstand being submerged fairly deep before the pressure begins causing problems. However, he can’t swim, and his weight makes him sink like a rock. He also possesses one complete artificial skin replacement should the need arise, but he really doesn’t like looking at it or thinking about it at all.

Appearance: Oswin stands at just under five feet tall, with metallic grey hair and glowing blue eyes, although they are LEDs and he can change their color at will. His body is covered with a light grey artificial skin made of a metal compound that moves and behaves like typical skin, and sends signals back to the rest of his body to register touch. His pelvic area is made of a dark steel and is completely smooth, effectively serving as metal underwear. If you describe it to him like that he will probably stop talking to you.
Most typically he wears cargo pants, hiking boots, and a t-shirt, but he also has a pair of sweatpants and a tight-fitting turtleneck sweater if the situation would call for a normal person to dress more or less warmly/casually.

Personality: Well-meaning and very low-tempered, Oswin has an immensely naive outlook on life. Despite his body being mechanical, he is incredibly awed by anything to do with technology, especially artificial limbs, and will gawk at literally whatever happens to be impressive in the moment even if he himself greatly outpaces it. Empathetic by nature, he will try to connect with everyone he is around, frequently giving people the benefit of the doubt unless it’s clear they or anyone else has directly hurt him in some fashion, such as hacking his body, which he will take very poorly.

History: Oswin Markoras was far too passive towards things growing up, which is how a group of college kids fresh off their studies and enjoying alcoholic beverages pressured him into being bait for a terrifying monster which definitely didn’t exist, until it did exist and shredded him to pieces in a fraction of a second. As the unseen terror fled into the night, the horrified students had Oswin rushed to the hospital, where he was held in critical condition for three days, with his insurance quickly bailing from all liability.

However, with money coming in from an anonymous source, the researchers and engineers at the college put their heads together to try and revive him. Reconstructing his dying tissue and organs with mechanical parts, they managed to pull him back to life, now housed in an exoskeleton of steel. Quickly learning to use his new body, it was eventually outfitted with a grey exterior instead of the skin-like one he had initially, due to his freaking out every time he saw it in the mirror.
Complications with his legal status and an insane bid by the company responsible for milling the individual pieces to own him as property eventually lead the college to entrust him to the group he now resides with as tutors of sorts, both to place him in safe hands and also no longer need to bleed college funds to keep trying to train him. Although how in the world this group managed to look even half-reputable is simply incomprehensible, but hey, it’s not like that group was about to go barging into an investigation of whatever unholy terrors existed in Purgatory…

Trivia: While he doesn’t complain about it, his no longer being in his original body eats at him sometimes, especially considering he can no longer eat or sleep… or breathe. He’s also extremely skilled at video games, which makes him no fun to play against, as he always wins and often by a great margin.

Expect a signup from some other unspecified user soonish :smirk:


Looking forward to it! And as for Oswin …


Welcome to Purgatory!


Just a heads up, I’m hoping to start the game in the next day or two. If you’re interested in joining please feel free to DM me a character sheet and I’ll get the approval process started. Even if the RP has started, and you want to join just let me know - I plan on leaving signups open for a while to let people decide if they want to join.

For @MakutaOisli and @Ghid, I was asked this question earlier …

“Question, will everyone be meeting for the first time at the start of the RP or will they have known each other for a while beforehand?”

I want to leave this part up to you two. Let me know what you both decide and I’ll set the tone from there.


With only two players?

I’d like it to start soon too, but don’t you think that’s a little low of a number to begin with?

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Realized I need to clarify that - by starting, I want to work with the two players already signed up while waiting on the others. Basically answer questions, help set the scene for the opening and honestly keep this topic from becoming stale.

I do have one more confirmed player that said they have a Character Sheet in the works and possibly one more.


Name: Altier Hartog

Age: 32

Weapons: A Beretta U22 Neos-styled semi-automatic pistol and two switch-blade knives.

Equipment: A smart phone of some kind, a tablet with various cables, a bag of various tools (socket wrenches, screwdrivers, etc.), jack stands and various jack lifts, an old workman’s truck, and a pair of specialized hydraulic platform boots. These heavy metal boots have telescopic/collapsible beams that can extend the user up to twenty feet in the air, almost like stilts. A few hydraulic stabilizing legs come out of the sides of the boots and they, alongside a bottom portion of the boots, remain in the ground to help anchor the user. Due to the weight of these boots, despite being made of a light metals, it has reinforcements around the ankles to prevent excessive strain and a harness to help spread the weight across the body.

Appearance: Altier is about 5’11", broad-shouldered, decently built though starting to put on weight in recent years; the sort of person you’d expect to have played contact sports in their youth. Decently pale wherever the sun doesn’t cook him, with his rougher skin hidden beneath his dark, long stubble beard. His black hair is kept to a medium-length variant of the crew cut, which is often hidden by a dark blue trucker hat. His eyes are a bright baby blue, though they look more milky-white when his third eyelids are closed.

When out on jobs, he tends to wear a black long-sleeved ■■■■■ with a dark blue, almost reflective-style, vest on top to help lessen the chaffing of the harness, and a pair of greyish, dark green cargo pants. Often wears work boots, though switches to some sort of black, almost knee-long boot insert material when putting on the specialized hydraulic boots. The hydraulic boots themselves are bulk larger work boots in a dull grey, with the harness mostly being black with strips of orange for extra padded areas intended to be held. Usually has a pair of sunglasses on the trucker hat. In slightly more casual situations, usually just some jeans and a T-■■■■■.

Personality: A grumpy man that puts on a cheerful face, Altier is the sort of guy who’s so used to being voluntold that he says yes to any task without thinking. In turn, often getting upset or angry when the job ends up being more difficult or frustrating than initially perceived. Constantly regrets his choices but always bold when picking them or following requests.

History: Altier has returned to his hometown of Purgatory only a couple of years ago. A return under less than favorable circumstances. When he left in his early twenties, it was to make it big in the farm tractor industry. He had earned his certification as a tractor and farm equipment technician with several of the biggest companies in the country and could easily get work under any dealership. That all changed when several of his social media accounts were hacked.

Against company policy, Altier had made hundreds of recordings for tractor repairs and uploaded them to his personal accounts. Including videos on how to bypass software checks. All these videos were made public after his account was hacked and within hours, people were able to crack most proprietary tractor equipment. Despite this disaster, his lawyer claims he got off easy with only a house’s worth of debt, all certification removed, and blacklisted from all big name dealerships and mechanic shops.

With nowhere else to go, he returned home. Local farmers and small enough mechanic shops usually didn’t care about his history. Did their guy said he could do it? That’s enough. And since he now had a small audience begging for more info on fixing various equipment, he has been continuing making videos under a false identity.

However, his girlfriend of the past couple years has gone missing. She was always fascinating by the local legends and spent some time trying to hunt them down. On this last expedition, she never came back.

Trivia: The cargo pants have hidden zippers halfway down the pantlegs to convert them into shorts as needed.

When he was desperate for cash, he sold his body to genetic testing. One of these alterations was an attempt to restore the human’s lost third eyelids (nictitating membrane). While he can still see while it is closed, his vision is diminished. Also, while he had a minor eye dryness before, this change worsened the condition and needs to take eye moisturizers a couple times a day.

Usually wears his sunglasses when in public.


Nice choice.

These will come in handy

:eye: :eye:

Is Altier in business for himself, or is he working for another company that prefers his talents over his reputation?

I would like to know more about this part - what legend did she go in search of? How did Altier feel about her interest in such things?

There is definitely more to this story. Hopefully we can learn more!


Allier, Welcome to Purgatory!


So as not to trigger a double post, I’ll use this as an update.

We currently have 3 approved characters and one more in the works. Once the 4th gets approved we can begin. I am wanting to leave the signups Open, to allow for others to jump in mid-stream should someone desire.


He’s working for a small mechanic shop that cares more about talent. And probably from help of his family getting the job.

As for the legend, probably whatever one had more recent activity but we can do with the aliens. Altier probably finds her interest in it a cute, I can’t believe they still think Santa is real, sort of way. Since he grew up here, he finds it to be nonsense and is personally dismissive. But it did bring her here, so he was fine with her looking into it because he assumed nothing would come of it.


@NOTaHFfan has sent me their Character Sheet via DM (I’ll let them explain their reasoning should they decide to do so.) That said, Billie Harker is Approved!

Welcome to Purgatory!


And we’re live! I’m going to leave this page open just in case others want to join. That said, the main game can be found here: Welcome To Purgatory
See you all at the ■■■■■!


Yup, there were a couple details in there that I didn’t want to disclose to anyone but the GM for the time being for story reasons. Anyways, this is the version of the sheet with that info removed:

Name: Billie Harker

Age: 22

Weapons: suppressed 416 Rigby safari rifle (or its fictional equivalent, I’m not sure how hard it would be to get the real thing in this setting) and a hunting knife.

Equipment: echolocation device built into Billie’s hat (upon activation the antennae attached to the sides of the hat send a high pitch signal that bounces back from surrounding objects and creates a visual depiction of the surrounding area in her goggles. In an open field has reach of up to 50 feet. This device is used for hunting as it allows to locate prey that would otherwise be obscured from the hunter’s eyes), a package of fast-acting painkillers and a big flask usually filled with some kind of cheap low quality alcohol.

Appearance: Billie is 5’10”, lanky but well built, has long messy black hair and a darker skin tone. Has tattoos with an antler-like pattern around her collarbone and burn-like markings on her lower arms and cheeks. Slouches a little most of the time.

Her attire consists of heavy duty cargo pants with a camo pattern decked out with numerous belts and orange suspenders over a white bodysuit, custom steel toed boots, an olive green cap with goggles over it, an armband with several feathers on her left arm, a choker and a pair of pointed earrings. Billie wears round glasses due to her bad eyesight.

(Character drawing is done by yours truly as always)

Personality: Billie is outwardly harsh and ill-tempered. She isn’t talkative and prefers not to speak unless she absolutely has to. She has a very straightforward way of speaking and she has no regard for her words potentially hurting others. Billie is pessimistic and cynical and has a hard time connecting with people often deliberately pushing them away by being a total jerk. Her temper isn’t helped by her being a certain level of drunk most of the time.

Billie seems to have no regard for her own life and she’s not afraid of putting herself in danger when needed. Moreover, she is always actively looking for dangerous situations to put herself into. This unhealthy self-destructive tendency was caused by a traumatic experience in Billie’s past.

She shows all signs of a person who hates themselves for their past actions.

History: Billie is a Purgatory local who grew up and lived her entire life in a forested area on the outskirts of the town. From a young age she went hunting with her late grandfather and eventually learned everything about it from him. The hobby essentially became her only passion in life. She didn’t like school and didn’t pay nearly enough attention to her studies, graduating with barely passable grades, and moved onto college when the event that would change her entire life occurred. The only remarkable thing about Billie’s academic years was that she always found herself in bad company. One fateful night, this bad company of good-for-nothing college kids which Billie was a part of got unreasonably drunk and pressured a kid from a local school who happened to be nearby into entering a location which was believed to be the home of a monster, according to many local urban legends. Billie and her peers didn’t believe in the paranormal, being teenagers who thought that this sort of stuff was lame, and were only hoping to scare the kid, however that changed when the monster turned out to be real and they had to rush what was left of the kid to the hospital.

Driven by a tremendous amount of guilt, Billie spent all of her college funds on an operation for the kid in a futile attempt to save him. When he was reported dead, she began spiraling, blaming herself for everything that happened and thinking that her attempts to right the situation were for nothing. Not being able to afford college, abandoned by her friends and estranged by her parents for what she had done, her life was ruined. She wasn’t able to cope with the weight of the situation she had found herself in and took up drinking. She spent the next four years of her life working odd jobs around the town, none of which was enough for a normal life.

In her search for means to get by, she agreed to be the test subject in a shady experimental genetic modification program, receiving a solid sum of money in return. The genetic modifications she received were unlike anything that had ever been done before, but they came with serious side effects. So the experiment was ultimately deemed a failure.

After the incident, it became clear to Billie that supernatural beings were real and she became obsessed with them. For the past four years she’s been attempting to hunt them, even if all her efforts were fruitless. Her ultimate goal is to hunt down the thing that killed the kid in order to avenge him, or die trying. She joined the squad in an attempt to get closer to what she’s looking for, not knowing that the person she’s trying to avenge is actually alive and a part of the same squad as well.

genetic modifications:
(I’m making this a separate section because there’s a lot of important info and I don’t know where else to put it)

Billie’s genetic modification is very unusual in nature. It allows her to restructure her body at will into a form with increased speed, agility, toughness, strength and sharper senses. This modification was a part of a failed experiment to create genetically modified soldiers that appear to be completely normal people most of the time in every way, but can morph into efficient killing machines when needed, with the ability to turn back, making them perfect for covert operations. The modification Billie possesses is extremely flawed and comes with many drawbacks, making it completely useless for its intended purpose.

Billie’s altered form possesses more muscle mass, longer limbs (she’s much taller in this form, approaching 8 feet when not hunched over), digitigrade legs that allow significantly faster running, bone-like growths on lower arms and cheeks that offer protection and extra offensive capabilities in the form of claws; as well as increased hearing, sense of smell and eyesight, which means that she doesn’t need her glasses when in this form.

Drawbacks: transformation to and from this state is extremely painful, meaning that Billie needs to take painkillers each time she does it in order to tolerate it, and her painkiller supply is limited. Maintaining this form is extremely tiring, so she can only maintain it for a short period of time (around 10 minutes) and she’s completely exhausted both mentally and physically after turning back. The transformation takes a lot of energy, meaning that Billie needs to eat a lot afterwards in order to restore it. Due to how inconvenient it is, she resorts to using it only when it can’t be avoided.

One of Billie’s jobs was working as a tattoo artist, and she made her tattoos herself.
Her favorite band is Red Hot Chili Peppers (if they exist in this setting of course)

Note: my and @Ghid’s characters were made in close collaboration between the two of us, so their backstories are directly linked to each other (the anonymous source of money from Oswin’s backstory is my character and the kid from my character’s backstory is Oswin). Basically, one wouldn’t be a full character without the other.

Plot twist: it was me this entire time :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


I wonder where she gets her height standards from, if she thinks that’s massive lol :smirk: