
Slizer Designation - Shear
Throwbot Designation - Claw
Biome - Overgrown Forests
Equipment List - Chest Cannon
Heavy Hydraulic Claw
Grip Tip Blade Feet
Standard Energy Disk Arm

Agile quadruped Slizer/Throwbot Platform designed for clearing dense brush.

More Photos:
Bricksafe Gallery
Brickshelf Gallery

Happy Throwvember, this time it’s the last! As mentioned prior, this one and the previous two were inspired by MSEP’s really cool Slizer revamps. This one was a bit harder to pull off due to lacking a ton of different parts in new purple and because I ended up using a lot of non-standard joints to get the shaping I wanted, but I’m moderately happy with the result, even though it’s a bit less sturdy than the previous two. Figuring out what sticker to use for the face plate was rough, and I’m still not sure I’m satisfied with it, but the arachnid imagery it invokes with the eyes works okay.

Constructive criticism welcome!


I love your Slizer MOCs! And this one is very well-built too, but I cannot not see Nidhiki in it :sweat_smile:


Same as Dinx, I see some Nidhiki…

I really like this guy! The purple and red look really good together, my only gripe is I think the chest cannon sticks out too much. That’s probably just the way it had to be, I’m guessing.


I love the colour combo here, plus the big pinchy claw is cool too

Nice moc


I like this! The colors are good, they remind me of Voltix. And the use of the air swords is really good!


The bucket helmet with scorch/plasma was an interesting vibe, but I’m a little confused to see it back. Regardless, the aesthetic on this fellow is also superb, and the four-legged Bionicle build is a design element I’ve never gotten tired of seeing, especially when it’s done as uniquely as this one was.

Excellent work!


Ah, another good one! The color scheme and shaping really shine here and the robotic aesthetic works quite well for this Slizer. Awesome job!


Thanks, I’m glad you like them! You’re not alone, while I was building him I couldn’t help but think about good old Nidhiki haha. Hard not too with his silhouette being so recognizable.

If I used a stud or round tile for the red in the center of the cannon, I may have been able to suck the chest in a bit more. But, I wanted to use the Cordak missile and this is as small as I could go with that part choice. I do agree with you, at certain angles the chest seems funky in my eyes too, but I wanted to wrap the build up this month so I’ll just live with it. Glad you like the colors!

Appreciate it! The claw was fun, but sometimes I feel like it may be a bit too big haha.

I wanted to do a more tame/controlled version of Voltix’s color scheme, so you’re spot on! Glad you like the sword part usage, it was between them and Skrall swords, but I think I liked the texture of these more.

You caught me. The head on this guy is a scratched WIP head from Scorch/Plasma. I went with the rounded bucket head on him in the end to match the more rounded shaping of that MOC. I then ended up using the one here because it had the same HF shell add on armor piece used throughout the rest of the MOC but in purple. It’s probably my least favorite of the three heads I did, but I was kind of attached to the whole HF shell add on + Slizer Faceplate combo for heads for this series. I think I’m going to try to break away from that if I do more in the future, but it was kind of intentional here. Does it really hurt the rest of the aesthetic of the build?

Glad I was able to make the four legged look unique enough!

Thank you, glad it captures that robotic look!


thanks to this it doesn’t:

Otherwise it would seem a bit repetitive. Still a good moc :+1:


I personally like it; it makes it much more “chest cannon”-y.

As others have said, this is really well-executed colour scheme, and the use of the red blades as both a claw and the legs really ties the whole build together.