Shintori general concept art (a couple idea sketches)

For a long time now, I’ve been trying to develop a species for my Self MOC, Sorano.

(a picture for those unaware:)

I already knew the other organisms of the species would follow a similar body pattern (biomechanical mesh, thin and tall proportions) but I couldn’t find a head design I liked (they aren’t all faceless :stuck_out_tongue:).

I then took inspiration from an old Knight’s Kingdom shoulder pad, and developed this:

The “horns” and crest would change from person to person, but the face would be nearly identical in detail.

This was the most important development for me, but I also made a couple bootleg sketches of a full Shintori and what the hand looks like :stuck_out_tongue: :

These are all concepts, and will change a bit over time, but I just felt like I should post them here.

That’s about it. Critique is always welcome.



They have blades in their arms?
Interesting… almost as if they were built for war.
But I like how this looks thus far.

Looks cool. I think using sketches really lets you Develop a moc much further

some of the images are broken, mate.

They’re loading fine for me and I asked some other people who said they were fine for them as well.

It’s probably just an issue with your internet or something of a similar cause.

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it’s loading better with chrome.

I realize I’m somewhat late, but I’m on a '95 PC, and the photos loaded instantaneously.

Then again, I’m using Chrome as well.

Probs just an issue with your computer, if anything.

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yea, screw you internet explorer.

I really like your ideas. I also love your sketches.