
what is a bat creation service and why might it benefit me


a service I’ve designed that allows you to create your very own bat as part of the long-lasting and fairly infamous trend I accidentally started

Your bat will receive a drawing by me and I’ll possibly design a physical model somewhere down the line

The service involves many multiple-choice questions which determine certain attributes of the bat

The benefits of the service include

  • you get a bat character without putting any effort in
  • you gain the respect of the bat brigade

I am interested

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I too am interested. Where do I sign up?

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you make bat
you show bat
you love bat
3 steps i live my life by…

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and yet nobody wanted my nuclear, laboratory-born mutated bats I was selling.

This is anti-mutant discrimination!


oh no he’s got that pfp back


Well, you also kidnapped your bat mutants before the experiments began, so you didn’t create the starting materials. You just added to them.

I’ll have you know French Toast is genetically an original creation!

Whoops. I meant you kidnapped the bats before mutating them.

hold up, wat