
Here is @MooCowsRock ’s compensation gift he received after being unjustly persecuted and imprisoned during the first court case

Shortcake here was designed using the new state-of-the-art Bat Creation Service™, which now allows even those with limited pieces and limited art skills to create their own bats. My test customer rated his experience very highly:


They’re beginning to sound like nfts

so his persecution was unjust and mine wasn’t
Your system of law is very peculiar


so you’d like your own compensation bat?

I knew you’d give in eventually

I mean that you claim MooCowsRock was persecuted unjustly when i, who did nothing wrong, was persecuted and that was okie dokie.

And if i wanted a bat i’d have joined your monstergirl cult back in february

well I just offered you compensation for your suffering but you refused it

only because your system of compensation is as flawed as your system of law

I admit that you were also unjustly persecuted, but there’s not much I can do about it if you refuse compensation

Your admittance that i was persecuted wrongly is all the compensation needed

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oh no they’re spreading

I dunno… looks nice I guess?

be careful, zukah
he’ll take you to court for relatively neutral comments

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As I said before

simply beautiful - a work of art!


Would you ever consider drawing any of the bugs?



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I wish there was a dislike button


Can confirm that the new-for-fall-2022 state-of-the-art Bat Creation Service™ presented by Monopoly Enterprises, Ltd. Bat Division is easy to use and produces quality results. Cannot confirm whether @TotalMaddness bribed me to drop slander and libel charges and to advertise his aforementioned service. =P


…Wait a minute…

Ouch, ya don’t like shortcake? Admittedly it’s not my favorite dessert either, but it’s good.=P


actually, he’s onto something
@TotalMaddness a good compensation for bug-sided users imprisoned during the war would be to draw various bugs.


I swear that wasn’t meant to be an insult

I’ll blame poor wording on my part


bug builders were justly imprisoned

It’s not your fault, it’s just that it’s extremely accurate. =P

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I need more test customers for the bat creation service

does anyone here want to use it