I would like to see all of your self MOCs, just for fun
Here’s mine. He’s about due for an update.
Toa Gilahu. My best MOC by far:
But seriously, it’s the only time I ever attempted making a self MOC. I built the original when I was about 5 years old out of Tahu and Pohatu Mata and rebuild him just for the sake of it a few months back.
I’m about to deconstruct mine to rebuild my sets
mine is my profile but i’m changing it very soon.
(hint its like a executioner)
also what is up with using the skull villains masks?
I did it for mine
Currently giving him a minor update to smooth out a few places, might change the picture later
also, my finger makes a cameo in this pic
yeah, I cut a deal with him, but now he want to show up in all my pictures
Just a friendly reminder that Double, triple and quadruple posting is against the rules. Please make sure you don’t do it again.
Thank you!
I just made mine the other day Here it is: