Shows/Movies/Video Games Where The Bad Guy Wins

Im going to sound awful but i was so emotionless when that happened.

But yeah villans like i said the tripods was a great example of the bad guys winning (major spoilers for a 20 year old British show up ahead) so it had a very rushed ending as the show was canceled during the second seasons production (which can be discussed in that topic i made for it here The Tripods) making the end kinda bad but realistic. You see the group who were using the power of friendship overcame the odds and journey though the woods while attacked by the evil tripods then they get back to the free men and find there home burnt to the ground it makes you wonder “was it all for nothing”

Kotor, if things don’t start looking up…
(I’m kinda stuck…)

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Beast Wars Megatron wins at the end of season 2 of Beast Wars, by killed Prime in the past, and might change history.

the entirety of Beast Machines-

Megatron won the beast wars.

League of Super Evil was one of the funniest shows ever aired. It’s great to see another fan.

Anyway, is nobody going to mention this?


Kinda like Penny’s fa–

Nope, I’m not even gonna go there.


Book 2 of Avatar The Last Airbender


Part 6 of Jojo


Donnie Darko. Old Yeller. Romeo and Juliet.

In all seriousness, Gladiator I think fits under this category in a way.


Star Wars ep 7, the first order won, they destroyed the republic


Jojo part 1 enough said.

Dio did still lose

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Apparently, Arrow Season One… dang…
Would you looks at that. Season two, also

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