For those who haven’t the slightest clue what a Sigfig is, it’s basically the Lego System Minifig version of a SelfMOC.
I’m sure some of the more system oriented of us will like this topic, while those who care not for system will ignore it entirely.
Don’t disappoint me, legomaster1378
My sigfig is as follows.
He’s basically a Power Miner body with blue arms, a gold space visor, and a Blue Pauldron. His sorta made up “theme” is a Sci-Fantasy. So, Swords and Sorcery, as well as Space and Ships. As such, his main weapons are…
A long sword
A better view. I use the Matoro Sword from 2006’s playsets(Lava Chamber Gate, specifically.)
And the Antennaestaff of a Technomage. It manipulates technology using spells and stuff. I really like it. But why the emphasis on tech?
'Cause Nyran’s a robot. The head is from the Lego Movie. Before those sets came out, I used an old head from some space theme. I think it’s cool, But what’s cooler than a robot?
A giant robot for the normal sized robot to pilot.
If you look close, you can see the gold visor between the Droid arms and lever pieces.
And the back.
Please, while I showed off my MOCs here, feel free to share your sigfigs, and MOCs that are closely associated with them! Just one though, like, the main one. Like, mine has a spaceship, an ATV, and some other stuff, but the Mech is the closest one to him as a character, so please, limits on big stuff, keep it mostly about the figs.