Have you ever tried to stand a mask straight up, but this happens?
Well… Heres how to make the most simple stand ever!
You will need a CCBS foot:
And turn it like this:
Now get the mask and do this:
And you are done!
Have you ever tried to stand a mask straight up, but this happens?
Well… Heres how to make the most simple stand ever!
You will need a CCBS foot:
And turn it like this:
Now get the mask and do this:
And you are done!
this 2 complicated 5 me
Omg this is awesome I love it
Thanks a lot, my brain just exploded from the complicatedness.
Stahp beeing sarcastic pls!
This is actually helpful since I have tons of these feet
I just don’t have an even number of any of them so I can’t use them on MOCs. So this should be helpful.
Stahp stealing mah Gifs.
It’s a goooooood gif. I can’t help it.
Stahp steeling mah lines
Zero out of 10
could not summon my Stand still
It seems okay
but your camera quality needs work
and it is an eyesore
I would say use a Hand instead
Shouldn’t this be in the MOC Tutorial topic?
I made a mask display method and it was moved there.
This was made prior to it.
Moved catergory -OmegaT
Well, this must’ve predated the lego creations subcatergory. Oh well