Sir_Clockwork's Batman Arkham City Mr Freeze Moc

Hello. So I’ve been a system moccer for some time and recently started sorting all my Bionicle and Hero Factory parts. While doing so I thought I should try my hand at building a moc out of mostly CCBS parts, since it would prove to be a challenge. So here’s my version of Mr Freeze from Batman (inspired by, but not replicating his look from Arkham City):

Mr Freeze with his freeze ray

Mr Freeze unarmed


Backview (Yes I know, there’s one shell piece missing, but I only have three. Gonna have to order another one)

a better look at the freeze ray

So what do you think? Constructive criticism is welcome!


There are no words. Because this thing froze my mouth shut.


needs more Arnie


True, that would have been the "Ice"ing on the cake :wink:


Holy carp.
That’s awesome.

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Phenomenal job with this! I love the overall look of it and the weapon.

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This looks awesome! I really like the head design, especially with what you did to pull off the glasses/goggles.


Thanks, glad you like it :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m very happy with the weapon too. Especially the ice beam.

Thank you, I’d say the head was the hardest part since it is so character defining and had to be long and detailed, but still fit into the canopy part.

Daaang. This is downright amazing!

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this is incredibly accurate, the freeze ray, the head

I guess the only thing I could ask for is more trans blue in the arms and torso, but this is just outstanding

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The freeze ray is amazing!

The mech looks great as well!

Awesome job!

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That gun is really “cool.”
I’ll see myself out.

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I think it looks a bit more like the AK version, but I don’t care! This is great!

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Man this thing is just so cool Man.

I love the build of the leg and torso. But the lower arms bug me a bit.

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Gawd i love the chest build and shaping, it looks so cool!

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Actually, he’s steampunk Mr. Freeze

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That gun, and the shaping and just everything it’s just, it’s just :scream:

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Very Awesome job!
You can definitely tell it’s Mister Freeze!
My favorite part is the whole thing! (it looks so good!)

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The iceman cometh!

The audience goeth.


Interesting MOC.

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