Sith Warrior

This was inspired by those guys in the Old Republic cinematic trailers, because, well, they look epic. I tried out some new techniques with this, and I’m pretty happy. Tell me what you think!


Looks pretty cool! I like the armour.

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oo nice

Looks very simple, but cool!

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Simplest design. I like.

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The shading looks really noice.

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I like it! It’s almost cute in a way
The Armour is really nice :slight_smile:

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Thanks! [quote=“Pato, post:7, topic:36120”]
I like it! It’s almost cute in a way
[/quote] Ok then…
@DannyBoyy @LTVmocs @Hautaka Thanks for the feedback!

He sortof reminds me of reaper, but the drawings neat!

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Feet could use some work. I feel the upper body is too thin for someone with heavy armor. Also the hands look like little stubs. Even the right hand doesn’t look like it’s entirely grasping the lightsaber.

I will commend you for the shading and lighting however. Good work on that.

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Thanks for the criticism! Hands and feet are my nemesis.

[quote=“Torma, post:9, topic:36120”]
sortof reminds me of reaper
[/quote] Oh… hadn’t noticed that, but yeah, he kinda does. But lets be honest, Reaper does look like he’s trying to be a sith.

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They are for me, too.

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What’s sad is those are some of the best I’ve done…

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you get them right.

Go look a pair of boots if you are in doubt.

Find Real world refernces and see if you can learn the shape from those.

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Spiffy dude, neat stuff.

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