Skeletonpatch's Ahkmou, Toa of Pebble

In my most recent parts haul I happened to pick up a dark grey Rau and thought, why not do my own stab at Toa Ahkmou?

Most other Ahkmou MOCs I’ve seen tend to imagine him as an intimidating Shadow Toa with a really cool build, but since I don’t have the parts to represent that I decided why not deliberately build him to look as lame as possible as if he’d become a Toa through the natural process and ended up kneecapping himself when his mental image of what a Toa should be was hampered by his past negative experiences with Toa. The end result is not nearly as funny as I’d hoped it would be and I’ve since realized that doing a boring build on purpose does not save it from being boring. I’m probably going to dismantle him soon but still felt compelled to share.

His hammer is easily the best part of the build. Simple yet striking. I might give it to someone else or save it for a hypothetical revamp I may do in the future.

You know Mata Nui made a mistake when even Click is somehow visibly disappointed.