Skeletonpatch's Sister of the Skrall and other Female Glatorian

“So, Mr. Stronius, is the individual who assaulted you among these suspects?”

Sharing these is honestly the primary reason I joined this forum in the first place. A few months ago while reading BS01 articles I was inspired to try building my own interpretation of what a Sister of the Skrall might look like at canister scale, which eventually expanded into an endevour to do the same for all of the tribes that had their own canister sets. Some of these builds are a lot more interesting than others, though I am rather pleased with the results overall. I used Kiina’s proportions as a starting point for most of them. All of these MOCs are built with a life counter and thornax launcher for the game.

Laeflaira of the Fire Tribe:

No I didn't just make up her name right now what are you talking about

Easily the least interesting of these builds, which is ironic considering she’s the last one I did. Basically Kiina but with a Vahki hip instead of Hordika necks at the shoulders. Despite the simplicity, I think Laeflaira may have the most character out of all these ladies. Thanks to parts limitations I ended up substituting what would have been red or orange with black, giving her an almost burnt-out appearance.

She fought in the Core War, losing her left arm and both legs during a skirmish with the Ice Tribe, and received expensive prosthetics not long before the Shattering took place. Unlike Ackar, who regrets the war and its cost, Laeflaira only regrets that the Fire Tribe couldn’t lord its victory over the other tribes. Her prosthetics require regular and often costly maintenance, meaning that she has rarely been able to find work befitting her skill set as few clients are able or willing to hire her in the resource-poor economy of post-war Bara Magna, as she almost always demands spare parts for her prosthetics as payment. This alongside her overly aggressive and brutal tendencies mean that she was never permitted to fight in the arena.

Arnala of the Jungle Tribe:

Yes mashing random syllables together is a pastime of mine how did you know

Built just before Laefaira, this is probably the most extensive I’ve ever gotten when it comes to greebling. Also uses the exact same core build as Laefaira which I didn’t even notice until I was taking these pictures just now.

Even younger than Gresh, she did not fight in the Core War but lost both of her parents in the conflict and has become rather averse to fighting as a result. She carries her father’s weapon for self-defense, but isn’t terribly adept with it. She was absolutely devastated when the Shattering wiped out most plant life, and especially misses the rare Keet-coloured Arnala flower for which she is named. Spent most of her time in Tesara, rarely venturing outside as she hated the sand that had overtaken the landscape. Following the restoration of Spherus Magna, she set out on a journey to see if her favourite flowers have survived on Bota Magna.

Female Vorox:

I built the others so why not

Unlike the others, who are meant to be actual characters, this one is literally just “Female Vorox”. At least the build is marginally more interesting than the last two.

Nothing unique about her story, literally the same as all the other nameless Vorox.

Dib of the Ice Tribe:

Her name'a Dib

I’m actually quite proud of this one. I happened to have a white Hordika torso and realized that an NHL chestplate will perfectly fit over it, with its axle extending far enough through the torso for a Glatorian neck to attach. I have no idea if this is an established building technique or not. She ended up pretty tall.

Fought during the Core War simply because she enjoys “honourable combat”, which consists of casually removing opponents’ limbs but never trying to kill. After the Shattering she opted not to join the arena, and eventually retreated to a snowy region of the Black Spike Mountains to escape a particularly annoying Fire Glatorian that wouldn’t stop trying to get revenge. Coexisted with the Skrall for a time, mostly by ignoring them. During one of her afternoon strolls she encountered a platoon of Skrall that had been wiped out, observing that only one set of retreating footprints belonged to the fearsome warriors, and after thinking maybe she should have brought her axe with her, decided then that she should go see what the other tribes have been up to.

Reli of the Rock Tribe:

She doesn't know why Stronius won't make eye contact with her

This is the one that started it all. Before building Reli I looked around to see how others had interpreted the Sisters of the Skrall and was disappointed when I couldn’t find a single MOC that incorporated the same jutting shoulders as the warrior class. I basically decided to create what one would expect to see if they were told this was Branar’s sister.

I wanted to use Piraka shins as those are the least mechanical-looking but only had one in Metru-red, so for now I’m using Rahkshi shins as a substitute. The staff is made entirely of red pieces.

In case it’s not clear, she’s holding a copy of her spine as an easier reference. This copy is without the extra bits for the life counter.

I made the cloak myself. Embroidering the back with the machine was a pain but worth it. I have no idea if anyone here is interested in making their own cloak with my design but I did create a pattern just in case at least one of you wants it. You’re on your own for the embroidery, but at least you’ll be able to cut the fabric into the right shape.

I sewed the seams and button holes by hand using a quilt stitch. The cloak itself is double layered, but only on the parts below the shoulders since the sewing machine doesn’t like to sew through just one layer of fabric. Note that in this picture the cloak is inside-out.

Make sure that the hood’s button holes go on the peg first, so that it sits underneath the front of the cloak when you put the buckle on.

Now, for Reli’s backstory… she doesn’t really remember much about her life prior to Annona’s departure. She remembers hating the male Skrall but not why she hated them. The hazy memories she still has are soaked in distilled malice that she now finds pointless and exhausting. The clearest memory she has is glaring at a pair of men as they spoke with her leader. Reli now wishes to bridge the gap between the sexes but is finding the task difficult.

Thank you for reading, let me know what you think!


I see what you were saying about the colors of your other mocs. Significantly more cohesive, and a much easier read. Now let’s see how they hold up :smirk:

Leafarena of the Fire Tribe

Leflouria, also known as Fire Kiina, ends up being the most interesting out of the bunch with her burnt appearance and reasonable incorporation of both reds. Otherwise there’s really not too much to say here; le Fil d’Ariane’s just a recolored Kiina with some extra spikes and a couple different limbs. And a shield.

Spear’s cool.

Ariana of the Jungle Tribe

Arnold’s torso uses some slightly more complex connections, but the armor choice just leaves her looking fat. This isn’t helped by the width of the technic connectors holding the skirting on. The colors are incorporated well, actually looking cohesive, but there’s a clear aesthetic difference between Arnica and her vine-lathered spear, which within the limits of the simplicity of the build appears to be caked with plantlife, making it feel ancient. Arugula just doesn’t have any of that aesthetic, and I can only assume this was done because it was her papa’s weapon.

Woman (most Vorox have never seen one)

You say the build is marginally more interesting than the last two, but I have to disagree - this appears to be a diet version of Laefaria. Not much going on here, limbs got built with limb pieces, Vorox armor got put on, and then the existing Vorox tail.

ngl Vorox were kinda underrated but at the same time also a little overrated tbh

Dibs on the Ice Tribe

You’d be surprised how often the NHL chestplate gets utilized. A lot of Instagram and Flickr mocs utilize it very well.

Anyway, there’s solver on this moc, which helps tie in the weapons a little better. The bohrok teeth in the torso really help it feel like a Bionicle product, which I assume is what you were aiming for with these. Also she enjoys “honourable combat” which consists of hacking people’s limbs off and leaving them alive to writhe in pain?

Actual psycho right here. Pretty sure that breaks the geneva convention somehow.

Rely on the Rock Tribe

This is a convincing case for why the Skrall don’t use dark red as a secondary. While the general concept is okay, having so much dark red present in the color scheme makes it look like dark red is the primary and black is the secondary. The distribution is far too similar; they’re both competing for the spot of primary color.

The barraki armor also makes her look kind of dumpy, which the hunch doesn’t help. This moc definitely looks much better with the cloak on.

Also the cloak is pretty good, some of the stitching is a little weak but overall it’s a great custom fabric

Hopefully these don’t come off as too scathing; it’s always hard to read tone on the internet.


Thank you for the response!

It never occurred to me that Arlana looked fat, though given that she isn’t a fighter and spent most of her time in one place, I guess that’s in line with her backstory? I had a random Tuma foot (but nothing else from Tuma) in a bag of bulk parts and really wanted to make use of it, plus an absurd amount of miscellaneous lime green parts at my disposal.

I consider the Vorox an afterthought, and mostly made it out of obligation since i was doing the others. I just so happened to have two complete Vorox sets and quickly altered one of them. By “marginally more interesting” what I meant is that the Technic connector on the Vahki hip is attached to the front armour instead of the other hip piece like the others, though that really doesn’t change enough for it to be considered a unique build.

I added the “honourable combat” thing to Dib’s backstory on a whim without even considering how fundamentally it changed her character. Oops, but I guess psychotic Glatorians aren’t exactly uncommon. I rather like the way her torso is shaped, it gives the impression that she’s wearing a tailcoat.

I consider dark red to be Reli’s primary colour, since I always interpreted the black on the other Skrall to be representative of their armour while the lighter colours were their flesh peeking through. I originally used dark red connectors for her legs but had to change them because they were cracked and couldn’t support her weight. I would have tried a different colour than dark red but there aren’t many options available for the parts that suggest a more organic physique. My current collection is also far too limited to include those other options to begin with.


Very nice mocs! For their simplicity they’re actually relatively well-built, the color schemes and lore for each one as the standouts. I’d say the Ice Tribe one is my favorite since I like the use of the hockey piece, but overall they’re all not bad.

the best way to come up with fantasy names


Rereading this and I’m only now realizing what you meant by “dumpy”. I will admit that yes, I did indeed build her to be “dumpy” on purpose. I assumed that, prior to Annona’s interference, the Skrall probably partook in a lot more of that biological reproduction than the other tribes considering how high their population has managed to remain despite their harsh lifestyle and the millennia of the men and women hating each other. This lead me to the conclusion that a female Skrall probably has exaggerated reproductive organs, hence my decision to use fleshy Barraki armour in the way that I did. Alien anatomy fascinates me and I tend to put way too much thought into it.

Anyways, here’s some photos of Reli’s cloak while it was still in-progress:

The still-clean cuts and the lack of embroidery really makes her look like a Sith Lord.

And may as well share some of these earlier photos I took in preparation for joining the forum:

I ended up making the staff longer as it felt too short here. I wanted to make it more interesting than a long stick but not so overbuilt that it can’t function as a staff anymore, so I chose to incorporate 70s pre-Technic gears and axle spacers (I sadly could only find one, it’s the spacer that’s slightly thicker than the others and features a rib along its middle).