So this is technically my largest Moc and a bit of an experiment. I left an armor piece off the left arm and the right thigh to give her more of an “ancient” look a tiny bit.
Thoughts? Criticisms? Thanks!
So this is technically my largest Moc and a bit of an experiment. I left an armor piece off the left arm and the right thigh to give her more of an “ancient” look a tiny bit.
Thoughts? Criticisms? Thanks!
[Looks at MOC]
Skullella Deville, Skullella Deville. If she doesn’t Spoop you, No Stupid Memes will. LOSS is Jealous of her Cool Build. Skullella, Skullella, Deville.
I normally wouldn’t approve of non-Lego objects being used in Mocs, but that cloth around her neck that goes down her back melds in perfectly! The lower legs seem a bit plain compared to the rest of the Moc tho
Yeah, I couldn’t find any add-ons that didn’t look awkward.
This looks really fantastic.
I love everything about this. The cloth, the build, it all looks great.
But, err… how to make this classy; what is going on with that posterior region?
I got to say this is pretty great!
Especially the cloth.
Oh crap I hope not @.@
But the moc it’s great 9.8/10 the leg thing and such
It’s Skull Grinder’s mother!
Thanks for the replies everyone! I took the Korgot revamp criticisms from a while ago and implemented 'em in a larger build.
This is amazing! My only beef is that you used “Nuva Butt”. I’ma give this a 9.5/10.
@Ranaki_Pakewa Thanks! I’m looking into alternatives but I wanna keep the same basic “shape”.
Roodaka? Is that you?
It’s a black and silver female moc with curves, it has too be associated with Roodaka, obviously.
Looks at MOC.
“Oh, how cool!”
Reads comments
Dem Imgur comments doe.
You submitted it to usersub… Why?
Otherwise, it’s pretty good, but not really my cup of tea.
Wow, imgur people need to get their collective minds out of the collective gutter. XD
That aside, pretty cool! I’m not 100% sold on her ball shell… bossom, but it does look good at certain angles(just not straight on).
Aside from that, I don’t really have anything to say that hasn’t been said before. Cloth thing is cool, posterior is overdone, and build is pretty solid.
Everyone’s in the gutter these days.
Really love the overall look and shape of the MOC, and the cloth is a nice touch.