Skull Creatures MOCs

Just a quick few figures based on creatures that have been taken over by the Skull Spiders.

Skull Monkey:

Skull Beetle:

Skull Penguin:

Skull Cobra:

Tell me which your favourite is below! :smile:


These are really imaginative! I think my favourite has to be the skull monkey, but the penguin comes a close second. They’re oddly cute for undead monstrosities!

It’d be nice if you included some pictures of your MOCs from behind so we could see what they look like from all angles.


These are really creative uses of CCBS, and they all look quite solid and fun.

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They need less armor, and more of the summer villain parts.

Nice! I love how the Skull Penguin looks.

Skull penguin, scourge of the tundra!

The first is my favorite.

These are amazing! My favorite is probably the penguin.

These are all really good, but the monkey is probably my favorite

That skull pengwing is AMAZING but it looks like it’s got a little something on its face?

They all look pretty cool

Were is the skull giraffe

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Nice MOCs!

My favorite is definitely the Skull Monkey.

The skull penguin is cute.

I really like the Skull Monkey! It’s really well built! the penguin looks like it was dressing up as a skeleton for halloween. (Don’t judge me… )

I love that penguin, he looks great

Not sure if I should cuddle or fear skull penguin.

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Like everyone else said, the penguin is da best.

The penguin is so perfect, with it’s flappy little wings, and the upside-down torso shell shapes the lower body perfectly. But, my favorite is the monkey, by far. Totally has nothing to do with the fact that purple is my favorite colour, or that it’s a monkey and I was born in the year of it…
Do think the tail could have been added to the back instead of clipped on at the middle. May make it look more monkey-like.

Will you show any of these without the Skull Spider masks?

The only reason they used he skull spider masks in the first place is because I don’t know what else to put there… custom heads wouldn’t fit.