
A menacing creep created as a result of the Makuta’s staff of fusion

Letan and Vetraz fell victim to Makuta Vira and were transformed into Skultraz, which marked the beginning of their trip diving into turmoil.

As they became aware of what they had become, Skultraz turned against their friends

Original Version:

The original version of Skultraz was heavily inspired by Skull Slicer, if you couldn’t already tell, and was built out pieces from Skull Slicer and two protectors of jungle. The current version, while still keeping a general appearance of the original that’s based on Skull Slicer, was recreated to better resemble Letan and Vetraz.

######“these masks will make fine additions”

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This looks a bit like a Chibi Skull Slicer to me…

I don’t blame you, though I think it might be around the same height as Skull Slicer