Slime's Community MOCs (No Requests at This Time)

and on this day slime said


No I’m actually serious this time. From this point on, I’m not going to accept anyone else. Nothing against anyone, but my list is getting to the point where I don’t think I’ll be able to finish it.

I might open them up again at some point, but for now I think I have enough.

#To do list:

To take pictures of:


To build:


Things to redo (Because frankly some of these are crappy)

-Touch up Shade’s torso
-Maybe ToUD’s arms

Things to do after everyone's MOC's are finished (which will probably not happen at this rate):

-John_Smith’s TARDIS MOC
-Tahtorak’s dragon MOC
-Shadezy’s Dekura MOC
-Hewkii’s Macku MOC