Snugooi Selfie

This is Snugooi (スヌーグイ), but a “Female” version of Snugooi.
I know that in real life, slugs are hermaphrodites and have one gender but since this is a Lockemon/Fakemon as well as lockstin_gnoggin ‘s mascot and that fact this is based on Pokémon, I wanted to give Snugooi a gender difference form to be like Pikachu and Eevee from the Let’s Go games as well as Bulbasaur and Spinda from the anime. The first pic I posted was censored because it was a surprise. The items are an incense and an Eviolite. I put a Incense that resembles Snugooi because if held and bred, there will be a baby lockemon later on. The eviolite WILL WORK with Snugooi 100% in battle. I will post more so enjoy.

Snugooi © lockstin_gnoggin and giodude1580
Lockemon © lockstin_gnoggin
Eviolite, Pokémon refresh brush, Berry Juice, Rotom Phone, and Poison Barb © Pokémon
Pokémon © Game Freak/Nintendo/Satoshi Tajiri

#snugooi #kaskaderegion #kaskade #fakemon pokemon #pocketmonsters #phone #selfie art #ポケモン ##ポケットモンスター
Should Snugooi have a pre evo and a evolved form?


This is the last thing I was expecting to see on TTV, but it’s very well done!


Thank you.