
This sniper is (I think) from MGS V, her name is Quiet. (Again, I think.)

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yep she is
I was reffering to the moc
when I said

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I… I… dont like it but i also like it. the only thing complex or unique are the gun and the torso, but there is so much potential. Add more to it, do more and you will get one amazing sniper. Potentials and ideas is what you have and that is you need for a good moc so put more time into it

6.9/10 there is potential


Not sure what that is but I’m eternally spooked

Link points to a page that says “Page not found”.

Yeah i know

Linking to Flickr never works

Can you just post the link instead of linking it through the image?

When i post a link to Flickr the boards turn it into an image.
So no.

Shoot, though I am interested in how you made the hands if I may ask.

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Not to sound rude, but this MOC…

(Prepares for Hate Comments )


The limbs are lazy, torso fairly lazy and doesn’t seem thought out. Maybe some better armoring could improve the appearance of it. Stay away from builds like this, and make sure you remember:

Quality over Quantity

But this is my personal opinion :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I am in agreeance with thy judgement, as my earlier post details.

But yes, it is only an opinion. A MOC OPINION. Thanks for reading.

(@Ghosty a little more armor next time. It helps my eyes.)

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So uh
Thanks for the critism everyone. I’ll try to improve this MOC, eventually.


I don’t know why this MOC is getting so much dislike, It really is one of my favorites. I guess some people on this forum like bulkier builds. ┐(°_°)┌


it definitely looks alien


i love the style, he looks sorta wierd but i like it, he looks like he has style