So, for those who don’t know, there’s this guy on BZP who I don’t remember, and he made this thing. It was called Matoran Maker, and it let you do what you prolly figured it let you do. Make Matoran.
In MNOG 1 style, to be specific.
And I’ve taken the liberty of making some of the people I think cool, using this wondrous thing. Oh, and I made myself too. But no one cares.
Here is basically what my matoran self would look like. I don’t have the proper parts to do a self moc, so this will have to do as my image on the forums for a while.
I’m gonna preface this by saying that I’m prolly about to sound like a tool.
But uh, y’know how in MNOG, all Matoran/Tohunga have the same color arms and body?
There was a reason for this. It was to ensure that they looked clean, as having different colors there makes the whole thing look kinda messy/cluttered.
I highly recommend doing something akin to that.
I don’t mean to sound like a ■■■■■■, I just think that it’d look better, were you to follow this advice. >.<