All of these drawings were done in pen and on A3 paper. I took some inspiration from game franchises such as Silent Hill and Dead Space, mixed in with a few ideas from my own nightmares I’ve had.
Obviously they’re meant to be pretty gruesome, so if you’re even slightly repulsed by anything that involves blood and severely wounded bodies and such (basically anything in Silent Hill) then i wouldn’t recommend looking. They probably aren’t well drawn enough to get any reaction of that kind, but i just thought i’d add a warning just in case.
Hope you like them
I’m hoping these are okay to be posted here, if not then i’ll happily delete the post if requested by an admin of the site.
Good artwork, although I’m generally not a big fan of zombies since at this point they all seem unoriginal and bland. These, however, thanks (at least in part(I’m guessing)) to the dead space stuff are quite creepy and uncanny and unique. Although, I’m guessing that most of the creepier stuff came from your night mares.
I’d recommend playing horror games if you want ideas for monsters and cyborgs. Its all good finding a picture of a design that you like, but there’s something so much more about sitting down in a dark room and fighting that monster - the sounds its making blasting into your ears from headphones. You get a sense of how it would move, and that really helps me.
I’d recommend playing Quake 4, DOOM 3, Dead Space 2 and Silent Hill Homecoming.
Two more games i’d recommend aren’t horror games at all, and are oldschool, fast paced FPS, but have some great designs. They are Serious Sam 3 and Painkiller: Hell & ■■■■■■■■■. Both of those games have COOP and are on Steam, so if you’re looking for somebody to play it with then feel free to add me on Steam - My steam name is OZKABOT
All of the horror games i mentioned can also be found on Steam.
I hope that was useful. I’ve never been very good at giving drawing tips, so the best i can do is recommend sources for ideas