Some rahis 1 (First rahi + Air serpent)

Here are my interpretation of 2 rahis: the air Serpent, and one of the first rahi created by the great beings, which I called Kohura Nui.

Air serpent

Some pictures

Breakdowns photos

Capture d’écran (1611)

Plus a turnaround
Air serpent

Kohura Nui

I made this rahi a combo of Krekka and Turaga Dume & Nivawk. It is supposed to be one of the first rahi created by the great beings that Mavrah studied. I called him Kohura Nui, which is derivated from koura Nui that means “Big Lobster” in Maori.

Some poses

A study of Mavrah

Breakdown photos

Plus a turnaround
First rahi

Link to the files

Air serpent - Google Drive
Kohura Nui - Google Drive

I hope you will appreciate these models. Every constructive suggestions to enhance the models are welcome


Kohura nui= sea scorpion


oooo cool!

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Ooh these mocs are cool. Nice and simple, I like it. Neat job.

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I don’t know if you intended it, but the Kohura Nui (especially its weird head) gives off a real Cambrian vibe to me, which is I think is just perfect for it


Effectively. When I designed it, I noticed that the head had similarities with an anomalocaris one, so I kept it considering it was supposed to be some sort of prehistoric rahi.


super cool build really captures the look of the old rahi build

we call them crayfish’s here by the way im from nz


Or crawdads… wait, they ain’t even lobsta’s, they be other crab critters.

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Huh, the Kohura managed to capture the feel of the 01 technic Rahi despite only being made of 04 sets