Some redesigned Transformers

First up, here’s my redesign of Nightbird. I tried to make her legs look less spindly than Hasbro currently has, and I gave her twin Darksabers because why not?

Second is Astrotrain, the memorable triple-changer who can be a robot, a train, or a space shuttle. I tried to use elements of both vehicles in his robot mode, such as the triple Vulcan made from thrusters and the smokestack cannon.

Finally, Cosmo(s)? This is the guy from the original lineup who had a UFO as his alt-mode.
I thought that since he apparently isn’t trying to disguise himself, he might as well have a vehicle mode that would be very recognizable: a TIE Fighter.

Small lore bit:
Here, I would have Cosmos land on Earth in a film studio for Industrial Light and Magic. He finds various vehicles and equipment, and not knowing about film studios on Earth, thinks that he has landed in a research and design studio. He then scans a TIE Fighter model, and gains the vehicle mode of a working TIE Fighter.

I hope you enjoy these renditions of some classic characters!


these look really cool mate!


Ooh these are pretty cool looking, nicely done. Astrotrain and TIE fighter Cosmos are my favorites! Neat job.

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