Just some Studio renders, which I just wanted to upload here. Will throw in some more over time. Also yes that’s Bukkeys Helryx
Looks pretty good. neato
Changed category - Ghid
Gorgeous renders.
Love the way mata red comes up in the renders or is it a different colour?
Nice renders, although to be honest I dislike when Bionicle builders use lazily constructed rock formations in the background, I mean no offence but a couple of bricks to camouflage and fill gaps, along with some cheese slopes would really improve the look.
Thank you all very much.
It is Rubber Dark Red. The Rubber Colours have less of a gloss, so I like to use those.
Yeah it isn’t the best it could have been, but it was just a last minute addition.
Very nice.
Smart feller
These two look particularly realistic, for some reason. I honestly thought they were photos at first.
but why
The switched masks for the voya matoran looks way better than the sets