Sonic the Hedgehog

Oh man, I’ve been longing to make this topic for a while.

Not one person on the planet has not heard of Sonic the Hedgehog. It’s one of the most widely known video game franchises in the world. Loved and hated by many. Just so happens that I heard about it a liiiiiittle bit too early, and I got instantly hooked (yes, this is a backstory, shut up).

Just want to say, I love the Sonic series. I’ve been with it for as long as I can remember (even during it’s darkest hour coughsonic06cough): I’ve written theories about many things, played nearly the entire series (excluding Japan-exclusives like, say, SegaSonic the Hedgehog), and even used the series as a basis for most of my webcomics and the characters in them.

You can tell I love this series with a passion. But that’s enough about me, talk about what you think below! :smile:

or something

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Sonic’s a pretty cool guy. Eh collects rings and doesn’t afraid of anything


I try not to associate myself with the more rabid parts of the fandom, but none of them are here, right? Right? Anyway, I’ve been looking forward to Sonic Boom since it was revealed, and now I’m planning on getting it day one since Metal Sonic (My homeboy!) was announced. I’ve been playing a lot of S3&K recently since it’s one of my favorite retro games. Now I’m just waiting for SEGA to put some stuff on Wii U Virtual Console. (Sonic CD Plz?)

Now, back to cowering in the corner to hide from the rabid fans. If you need me, I’ll be cowering.


Sonic is such an impatient jerk that he gives up on the game and gives you a game-over.


I will say that I have, quite unintentionally, only played the 2D platformers, for the most part – I have the original, 2, 3 & Knuckles (plus the Knuckles add-on in 2 and 3) in a collection on DS, Sonic CD on iOS, and both episodes of Sonic 4 on iPad. The 3D games look like they could be interesting, but I just haven’t got to them (other than the demo on Lost World, which was fun but didn’t convince me to buy the game.) I quite like the current main cast of characters in the series (as opposed to some), they add a bit more to the depth of the series (but not too much, unlike the game stories themselves) and just look and act cool.

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Sonic CD is on 3DS? Or did you mean the iOS version?

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iOS. 'scuse the typo, I’ll fix that.

dont forget secret rings, everyone lovvvvveeeeeeeesssssssssss secret rings I mean really its the best game ever
potao walks in
carrot what the hell
uh this isnt anything!
now that we got rid of that, I personally like sanic and his vider gams I am yet to get generations, cause the wiimote I use is broken and lazyness, is the one for 3ds any good? oh and I played colours once at a friends place, really really want to get it but as mentioned above wiimote broke,
oh and another bad game of sanic would be sonic R my friend made me play some recreated version cause I lost a bet…I did not feel the sunshine and it did not brighten up my day
of course sanicball is a fanmade improvement to R imo and one of the best sonic gams erver
oh and this is getting long

I am getting sonicboom for the 3DS
looks good lets hope it is

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I think I just realized how awesome you are.

(Must… not… correct… intentional… mispellings)


Don’t worry I always knew how awesome I am.


Prideful, much?

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:stuck_out_tongue: lol I was being sarcastic…darn internet you cant make me sound sarcastic!!!


Nathan Poe’s Law. That’s the reason it happens.

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You should totally not tag it with a #sarcasm tag.

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am I a genius mother?
okay in all seriousness I think I am going to write I AM SARCASTIC FOOL WHO IS MOSTLY INSANE for a profile description

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Yes, now then, we should get back to discussion for Sonic the Hedgehog. We don’t want to stray down a rabbit trail and start talking about Mario (I already have a topic for that).

:wink: Okay?

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~insert reference to Cream here~


wait a second, we still need donkey kong and pacman topics
after this line there shall only be sonic things


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Who’s everybody’s favorite character?

Silver’s my favorite. The telekinesis is too awesome not to like. His theme’s pretty great too.


Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik.

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